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New "CrystAl" and some bubble hash

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Ganja_SY, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. just picked this up last night
    some central FL "Crystal" (Pronounced crys-taaaal) super dank
    and some bubble hash to go with it :hello:
    about to get my morning bake on :bongin:
  2. Macbook baby!!
  3. Damn I wish the picture was better but it does look like some dank :D
  4. yeah i'll try to take a better pic
  5. haha so its 'cristal' like the wine? sounds fancy
  6. right ahhah
    yeah this guy said he's been growing it for 14 generations and hasn't given the seeds to anyone, pretty VIP strain haha

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