new closet grow

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by VanHendrix, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. Hey there yall, this will be my first complete... well that is if my babes dont die before harvest.

    I've been reading up on this and another forum recently and me and my friend decided to try to do a basic grow with minimum effort just so we can get the hang of it. I was to lazy to start this thread earlier but when i seen how bad the plants were drooping i decided to put it all up and see what you guys have to say about it.

    Ok well the plants were dry and they were drooping pretty bad, so i watered them and came back an hour later to see if there were any improvements and to my surprise they were looking alot healtier. What do you guys think could be the problem to the drooping of the plants? what could i do to avoid seeing that happening again?

    We have 3 cfl's right now, two 40watt lights that are in the veggin spectrum and one 45 watt which is better for flowering. The soil we mixed is about 25-30% perlite and just some average walmart brand potting soil, and the nutrients were using are miracle grow i think... i know there are alot better brands but i dont really mind. We havent maintained the Ph of the water/soil, the humidity in the air, the temperature of the room, and the plants are still on 24 light.... which we will be changing soon to 18/6

    Thats all the information i can think of right now but i will try to answer questions to the best of my knowledge, thanks:wave:

    btw the first 3 pics are the plants when they were drooping and the rest are a few hours after i watered them

    Attached Files:

  2. They are looking good. Keep em watered.

  3. some of em dont look happy :(
  4. Dang, you need to water them and don't let the light get too awful close.
    Other than that you got 3 beautiful girls. how old?

  5. the average walmart brand may not be the best idea. it may contain time released fertilizers, or contain too much/lack certain chemicals... and small organisms alive in the soil also can be a problem (unless u bake ur soil)

    dunno about the miracle grow.. dafinestsniper has a nice grow [link]where he uses mircale grow products all the way (incl. soil)

  6. Im not quite sure how old they are sadley:smoking:, this summer has been a haze. But the plants took a while to grow because we only had 2 lights for a week or two in the beginning, then as soon as we added another 40watt they just jumped in a short period.

    On another note, i was thinking about doing scrog for these plants because that would maximize my yield wouldn't it? what would you kind folk suggest i do? thank again:)

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