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New city... no connections

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dinodrag, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. I am no apprentice toker, but I am a new buyer. My fiancee and friends have always been the middle men. I just moved away from all my friends and connections. I have been scoping people out.... but I am such a noob at this and I swear no one smokes here. I live in a rural area, but am close to a city with a university..... so there has to be some somewhere!!!
    I am also a female, so sorta scared to go too many places in a new city alone... My fiancee is so busy that this is something I'd like to take care of for us myself, but have no idea how to find a dealer in a new town... I'm even clueless of how to make a transaction too... yikes! Plz help! I should have paid more attention :p
  2. Parties are the best way, unless your willing to go stereotyping the street dwellers.
  3. Most definitely parties. My first week in college I also thought that pretty much nobody smoked here compared to where I was from.

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