she seems like a decent 90 buck pick up. Prolly could have gotten it cheaper but if it was local, support local shops. enjoy
Personally I don't. But at any of my lhs's that would be a good price for it. Bubblers around here usually start at $60 and those are for skinny little chinese glass ones so I wouldn't be too worried about the deal. Sweet design on it too
Wouldn't pay over 65 for it but not to bad for 90, but personally I think that bubbler is fat and kinda ugly>_> I like the color design though
Youre from canada though....arent their pipes cheap? Idk, A buddy of mine got a regular spoon pipe there fpr 50, but i feel like 90 was a bit steep. There was a bigger bubbler but not nearly as cool looking for 50. I guess i have expensive taste
Yeah i kind of realized it was a lot right when i was about to buy it. I guess im just getting opinions on if that's what a normal head shop Should Charge for. I didn't get "RIPPED OFF" Though right?