New Bowl / Spoon

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by SuDZ, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Everyone around me calls them bowls, but on here I always see them called spoons, maybe it just depends on your group. Anyhow I figured I would toss up a couple pictures.

    I tossed in one with my regular daily bowl as well.


    Attached Files:

  2. I really like your newest one.
    I bet that was a tasty bowl, all topped with kief and shit;)
  3. I lit it once and it just lasted forever. I love this new bowl. I love the way it glows orange in the dark as well as I smoke.

    I was hoping that it would actually look like keif in the picture and not some random shit on top. I took it with my phone so it was a bit tough to tell when it was so small.


    I can spot a kief topped bowl from a mile away.

    It is cool seeing the chery through a clean piece.
  4. nice piece man :)
  5. Nice lookin glass man I like the colors
  6. Nice lookin bowls man they both look real thick and very good quality we have similar tastes haha. I feel spoons and stuff don't get the love they deserve on this site so props to u
  7. Its funny that you say that because I was actually going to the shop to buy a bong that night but although they had a few nice ones, none of them spoke to me. I went to check out the spoons and couldn't get this one out of my mind the rest of the time I was at the shop, so I bought it.


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