Got a fantastic job! He loves my work, he came to me for the job and wants to fly me out for dinner or a beer.... I'm not 21 yet. Now, do you think this will be a instant 'turnoff' for him on keeping the offer for the job to me? (he has already offered me a 60k position/etc/etc over email and I accepted it, etc) I personally think if he loves my work and wanted to hire me before he's going to know I'm only 19, it shouldn't even make a difference other than surprising him with being professional and mature. What would you think afterwards?
you seriously think he's going to fire you for telling him you're underrage and can't join him for a beer?
I don't know man! Hahaha. I'm paranoid and just sketching out over it. He technically hasn't officially hired me, since I'm not out in Atlanta and haven't started working any hours yet. Never know if he's one of those guys who likes to bring out the whole team to a bar for whatever.. Much appreciated mate!!
well, the way i see it, you have three options: 1) don't tell him you're underage, and don't show up at the bar = you're fucked. 2) don't tell him you're underage, and show up at the bar = you're fucked. 3) tell him you're underage and can't go to the bar = up to him and nothing you can do about it. so i don't see any sense in stressing over it.
Your logic is quite conventional, I don't have any other reason not to agree with you! You're definitely right on that, thanks man.
haha no problem man just relax, if he's offering you a job through email it's because he values your work related qualities and i don't see what your age would change about that.
dude he'll just be impressed that your that young and can do what you do at such a professional, mature level especially if you accepted a 60k job. The worst that can happen is you guys just go get dinner and don't go to the bar. Maybe he'll just be like fuck it and take you to the bar and cover for you haha. I'd say its a win win situation bro go for it. Good fucking job man, I mean that genuinely.
In texas you can be 18 and go into a bar. if that were the case there, show up where he scheduals the meeting. Drink a soda. And he also said dinner... He will find out your age on your resume. He may know your 19 and be inviting you to his house or his buddies bar. Just stay calm dude.
Apparently this a question to lawl at, but... what does your work consist of; what do you do ?! Edit: nevermind; i creeped lol but not too hard... what are some of your works ??
60k a year and you're only 19? How did this boss guy even know about you? What do you even do? seems pretty ideal for a 19 year old
One way to not let age enter into it, if you go to a the designated driver, in which case you may get sodapop/juice/water/whatever they have that's non-alcoholic for free. That may also impress your new boss too.
One way to not let age enter into it, if you go to a the designated driver, in which case you may get sodapop/juice/water/whatever they have that's non-alcoholic for free. That may also impress your new boss too.
Yeah man thats pretty sweet to get such a nice job at so young. If you stick with it, Its prolly only gonna move up in pay too.
Accept dinner, decline beer. Phrase it with a complement sandwich, for example: Note how the language reflects acceptance on your part and confidence in having the job position. Good luck!
Haha, very true! I was thinking the same, only thing I thought he'd maybe be more impressed. Thanks man! That's a pretty good phrase, I already sent him a formal-wise message but this had some humor in it I should've used your wordings! Haha. Thanks man. Haha, he found my portfolio off some design award sites! I'm a Graphic/UX Designer! I design phone applications/websites/logos/cover art/etc! I'm very stoked if it all goes through, 60k is a lot for a 19 year old.
haha if your living on your own you'll have so much cash you won't know wtf to do with it.. thts like 5 gs a month yeah you'll be rolling in it.