new bong!

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by tlr386, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. picked it up for $175 with ash catcher

  2. Looks good man I like orange
  3. Sleek Tube man, does it hit like a champ?
  4. that's like the same set up my friend had not too long ago, except he had a beaker bottom. im sure that roor rips soo smooth
  5. looks like a fake roor
  6. nahh, this roor is definitely real, i don't see anything that would make it fake
  7. the foot looks kinda thin
  8. hate to say it but i believe its another fake roor, trademark symbol should be on bottom right of logo, not top. none the less, still a sick bong, and bet it rips, nice buy.
  9. is on the bottom right lol
  10. Def looks fake look at the signature and slits in the diffuser not holes
  11. The joint depth looks smaller than usual to me, which is common in fake Roor's. The label also looks too big for the tube.
  12. Agreed. The joint angle is also more acute than usual.
  13. If its fake or not, thats a good deal, and a nice find! toke up my friend :smoke:
  14. as long as it functions. looks like it rips.
  15. $175 fake straight tube is a good deal? You can get a Molino that is better quality for $100...

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