Yeah its china glass but it is very thick (7mm) and its 18 inches. only 40 bucks at my LHS. I bought it in anticipation for the quarter of dank i should have here in the next few days. excited. what do you guys think? I know its grommet, but I just dont have the cash for GonG right now.
I have one just like it that's orange, red and yellow. The thing is HEAVY!!! About a half inch thick. I've had the thing for over a decade and can't bring myself to get rid of it. It's cheap china glass, but it hits so well. Don't fix what ain't broke.
I've owned a few of those, considering they all look virtually the same except for color they each give a fairly unique hit... one could call it inconsistent I suppose, say if you were to break one and wanted to replace it, then you may be a bit disappointed when the new arrival doesn't hit the same, even when using -all- the same attachments. Or you could be pleasantly surprised when it hits even better than the last one you owned, it can go either way. The same type of deal happens to a lesser degree with name brand and expensive bongs, but you could just as easily buy 4 or 5 (or 10) of the cheapos for the same price, and narrow it down to the two or three you liked best ;-P Let's see, I think I've actually used mine recently enough, that I posted a pic here....... yes, it was in the rotation during a visit from a fellow toker, snapped a pic of what we'd been using those three days, I have maybe four or five crates of pipes and bongs I've collected over the years, this was about one well-padded crates worth. And the bong on its own... gives a great hit for what it is, I think I paid $25 or 30 for mine a few years back, had it shipped from Canada to Australia where I was living at the time and it's been around the world with me a few times since... hmm comparing the two, yours and mine I mean, they are quite different. Especially around the base... plus, mine has a little 'lean' to it, lol. Like I said, or at least alluded to I think.. ya get what you pay for
not trying to hate on your bong but I used to have a bong like that and I hated it.if I was you I would buy a gong converter
it really hits fine for me I get her cherried and just keep ripping. I want a new slide for it tho. and whohulkwalk i went to infinty's end east and they had atleast 3 shelves full of SYN glass. You should check it out.
ya only some "legal bud" has been smoked out of it so far. My guys supossed to be bringing me some shit later tonight. heres to hoping that comes through
sick bong im diggin the colors and ahhh i know the feeling of waiting on someone to come through with dank i hate the wait lol....hope he comes through..
*UPDATE* ripped some so-so dank out of it and its a beast. Perfect hits and very smooth. I need a better slide though. kinda want to keep the 9.5mm. any suggestions city?
9.5 yeah say? This looks like it would match, hard to say though. Bong Slide - English - I think this one is bad ass. Bong Slide - English - Also found this one for the low low on that google. Roor type Carbon Filter 9.5 slide For Sale Cheap and has that carbon filter.
thanks craig. I think im going to get this one Hand Blown Slide by TheGlassMaster on Etsy[0]=tags&includes[1]=title
Cheap as fuck haha. I still think you should just spend the extra munz and get the carbon filter. Just saying