So my moma just paid me and I have 300 to spend on a bong =D I'm nearly done highschool, and I'm going full out. Broke my $65 bong, and then had fun letting my anger out by smashing this living shit out of it and the rest of my broken glass. Hopefully my curse was trapped in the bags I used to break my old glass I'll be buying in Calgary in one of about 15 lhs'. 300 is all I have, can spend that or less. Opinions? Straight tube, zong, fancy coloured glass, many percs. What ya suggest? I'm thinking a simple bong downstem, multiple armed-perc (maybe two). add chambers to it. I'm being cognizant of the cleaning aspect of owning a complex bong. I'd like a triple perc to hit smoother, but I don't want to be stuck with a huge job to clean the insides. I have a lot of iso now, and I keep my glass clean on a routine basis. I don't go more then a few days without flushing the water out and cleaning it. If I don't find anything I'll get a job and ask my parents if I can look on line and have one mailed to our house/shop. Pictures, suggestions? Also, what do keck clips do for the user? Would id be wise to pick up a few?
All I know is that Alberta is fucking awesome. If I were you I'd save up 20 more bucks and buy a Sovereignty Stemline from ALT. Not as loaded with features, but amazing build/glass quality. Keck clips stop you from accidentally pulling the downstem out of the bong. SOVEREIGNTY GLASS - STEMLINE 60 mm V2
people can only really tell you what to buy if you're looking to order it online, cause if you're looking in a lhs then they probably won't have it. in my opinion i wouldn't get more than one perc really but thats your call, i would definitely get: - thick glass is key in my opinion to any bong (7mm+) - not china glass (shouldn't be as big a problem with $300) - clear glass - not a zong or anything else that doesn't consider a solid, practical design - try and get a beaker bottom because they hold more water so it gets dirtier slower -if you DO get china glass with a perc (especially multiple) make sure the perc looks straight/the slits are big enough, i've had a few china glass bongs in the past and i find since they are more poorly made this is the 1st thing to go wrong - get an ashcatcher, it will help keep the actual tube a lot cleaner and it will give you a better hit. if you see a nice bong for $300 though then don't get an ashcatcher right away and save up for one. keck clips are little plastic clips that 'clip' the downstem of a bong/ashcatcher to the actual bong/ashcatcher itself so that it won't fall out by accident when you pull the bowl out or turn the bong upside down
THANK YOU !!!! Alberta is exactly what you just said DD I wouldn't mind having that piece to be honest, but I will not buy from aqua labs as I am a photographer, and HATE an over-watermarked image. I already emailed them complaining about all their pictures being watermarked to hell. It's hard to take a company seriously when they don't take their business seriously. Thank you for the suggestion though What are their thicknesses usually? Alright, no need for a kecker then.
Beaker bottoms apparently have more drag though. OP I'd order online, Canada sucks nuts for good scientific glass. The Stemlines are 5mm. If you don't want to order from Aqua Lab try finding another place to order from. Someone on here should know one.
I wouldn't mind a beaker as it would be a change. I will be getting an ash catcher for sure; I have one now actually. It will break soon though, if anything. Just cause I broke three already in a month or 2. I buy chambers and add them on
i think beaker bottoms definitely have a bit more drag to them but imo it's not significant enough to matter considering pros of beaker bottom. they make the bong more bottom-heavy so it's less likely to tip over + the joint on most straight tubes sticks out an awkward angle and in my experience with different straight tubes they all crack at the joint. the joint on a beaker bottom sticks out perpendicular to the beaker so it seems alot more solid to me since they don't have to work the glass as much (i might be using the wrong terminology there, i'm not sure). i also definitely agree that OP should order online if he can, there's alot nicer scientific glass on the internet than in your lhs in Canada (although shipping from ALT to Canada costs an absurd amount)
Shitty, shipping prices will be harsh. And it's not likely I can have it shipped to the us po box we have, and drive to get it. shit.
Anyone use those diffuser balls? They are poured into the bottom of your bong and as the water passes them it acts as a diffuser. Are they heavy enough to add a good amount of weight to your bong or are they really light? I want to add them to my bong so it adds weight, and I dont have to worry as much about it possibly tipping over.