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New bong, how do I use it properly

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by iamlustrous, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Sorry to sound like a beginner.. but I just got a Phire Triple Perc bong today and I question the method my friend uses so I am asking for help. He fills the bong with water, blows in the opening until the water is closely leveled in all the percs, and then loads the diffuser/piece, etc. The only problem I've seen with this before is that some of the water splashed up all over his face when he removed the diffuser after toking.. could you guys give an explanation to why this happened like every toke?
  2. never has happened to me but has happened to many of my freinds with there bongs
  3. there might be too much water in it. If you have too much water in a bong, you generally have to pull harder to clear the smoke since there is so much drag. Then when you pull harder the water tends to splash up.

    So just take some of the water out and u should be good
  4. Just fill the bong up from the top. The water will fall once it gets the the overflow point. Then, just blow in it slowly if you don't want to much water in the percs.

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