Looking to buy a new bong. Admittedly, i am a bit new to the bong scene. I own a cheap 12'' bong from a head shop near me. Anyway, i have two bongs in mind, what would be preferred? I've used my buddies illusion, i absolutely love it. Weed Star - Messias Illusion Ice Bong - 9-arm Perc Splash - 29.2mm - Grasscity.com Weed Star - Messias Illusion Double 3-arm Tree Percolator Bong - Scientific Glass Bongs - Made in the USA - Smoking Pipes - Grasscity.com
I'd go with the second one, double perc chambers rock! Plus you got ice notches, everyone loves cooled super smoothe smoke!!
go with the 9 arm; while its cool to have a double perc, with that you'd only have 6 arms of diffusion. 9 arm might even have less drag since there's one less chamber for it to go through
I'd just find another LHS to browse at, I know the headshop near my house has wayyyyy nicer pieces then these better prices, but those are both excellent bongs I bet you would be happy with either of them, I'd go with the first one personally. Enjoy your purchase
Could you possibly point me in the right direction? I want something in the $150-$200 range with thick glass obviously.