New Blue Dot (pics)

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by smith.p.sean, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Hey guys,
    Picked this up from a local shop. What do you think? My understanding is that a BD perc'ed stemless is hard to come by and some google searching left me empty handed. Does this have any merit? The bowl that came with it was clear, this black one is from a fallen friend.

    Can anyone suggest where I could find an inline ac that will fit the 90 degree stemless design? The shops around me are limited to begin with and are all angled.

    I really like how the trees are supported on the bottoms. Its hard to see in the pics, the last piece I had didn't have this support and although it never happened, I was sure they would break off eventually.

    This is my first straight tube and not beaker bottom. First time I bought glass in over two years because of my awful experience with beaker bottoms. Theres always weak points. 2 pieces 17 total days of use and 550 dollars later I hate beaker bottoms. /bitter rant

    Without further ado pictures,






  2. very nice man. Hows the drag on that thing? I own a 19inch, 9mm , w/ice catch blue dot nothing fancy. I like it alot.

    edit-curious, how much did you drop on your bd?
  3. Holy shit, that's a really nice BD, probably the cleanest one i have ever seen.
  4. thats such a nice b
  5. How much did it cost? Really nice BD bro enjoy.
  6. #7 smith.p.sean, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    Set me back 250. Im not sure if this is a good price or not because the shops always seem to jack up their prices pretty high (no pun intended) around here. I thought this was a good price because it was originally marked at like 380 and a second sticker said like 289. Girl reluctantly gave me the cheaper sticker price. (I Had nothing to do with the two stickers, locked in a glass case) There was also a sale on BD for another 20 percent off.

    Can anyone suggest a place to find an inline AC for the stemless. Also, I have never hit an inline AC. Drag right now is perfect, not hard to pull, very smooth, retarded easy to clear. How much will an inline add to this? I cant imagine much.

    Also, i have a rasta bag from my last one that she stays in. Someone help me come up with a name.
  7. sweet tube, i love the pic with the black percs with white smoke bubbles all around em makes a cool effect.
  8. hah cats in the background, checkin yall out.
  9. can i haz bong rip??

    sweet bd dude, eons ago there was a stemless bluedot and i only hooked up with it once, i got ripped. that broke one day i didn't really know the kid
  10. Bump for questions:

    Any name suggestions?
    Where can I find an AC that will fit the stemless 90 degree angle?
    Good deal?
  11. i had to get my 90 degree Kind Creations 6-arm glycerin (breath) ash catcher custom made. most people do not make 90's, as fixed stems are still in a very selective group. try looking for a TORO trash catcher, or if you know any shops that do glass blowing ask them.
  12. craziest BD i've ever seen. nice tube. and i also second the toro trashcatcher idea. it's perfect for my fixed stem toro, it'd be perfect for this bong. maybe a white label? ahh i just creamed a little.
  13. ^this.. but definitely a black label, hell yeah
  14. So... after 3 weeks. 3 fucking weeks, this blue dot has joined my other pieces in the graveyard. I cleaned it daily, stored it without fail in its bag when not in use. The bowl from my volcano, not 10 inches tall, fell off the top of the volcano onto the base of the bong. I jokingly said to my girlfriend, "That better not have broken it." I picked it up to hit it and the joint where the black glass attatches to the clear glass for the perc was split and my perc, arms all intact and pefect otherwise is rattling around inside of the bong... FUCK THIS SHIT I HATE GLASS. What a shitty weld that the perc was held on with...

    Can anyone suggest a course of action. If nothing else, the girl i bought it from said she would hook it up big on a new piece. She told me to talk to the manager of the shop though just to see if he could help me out somehow.

    Also, the label chipped off in a couple tiny spots while cleaning... not impressed with BD quality anymore...
  15. damn man, sorry to hear that. I wasnt too sure about BD's percs, so i bought a straight tube. Sucks man. I really liked your BD too.

  16. The fucked up part is the perc itself is solid. theres no way one of those arms is breaking off sealed on the bottom like they are. The weld holding the perc to the bong between the clear and black glass was fucked up for sure. It has to be a manufacturers defect for that weld to come apart like that.
  17. The tree arms are reinforced but the tree itself isn't, honestly though that perc looks really draggy so if you can find a way to get the tree out, consider it an upgrade.
  18. AND THE GOOD NEWS! Because the perc broke off right at the weld between the black glass and the clear glass, from the impact of a volcano bowl on the base from 10 inches high, the shop owner is replacing it for me. He knows the owner of blue dot and called him while I was there to have him send out a replacement. He told me it would take a couple of weeks to get here so be patient. I dont know what the new one will look like but I imagine it will be at least on par if not better than this one. All of my local glass purchases now will be going through this shop. I am incredibly impressed at the customer service displayed. I'm sure they hear about broken bongs all day long but they were courteous and took the time to hear me out and check out my pictures.

    So after taking pictures of the piece to show the shop, i shook the shit out of the bong shattering the perc into tiny pieces until i got it all out. It was very hard to do, the integrity of the arms were great. Ive got a much better idea now of how draggy a shitty perc can be. The tube clears wonderfully and especially since I am getting a brand new one, i consider this straight tube+new one to definatly be an upgrade. The difference between how easy it is to clear is night and day.

    Im gonna have a party bong daily driver and a nice show piece now for special occasions :) Very happy camper here.
  19. Thats awesome man, glad that worked out for you. Gotta post up some pics when you get it in.

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