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New Blades....Don't be like this guy

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by EasyCheeze420, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. some people aren't smart he coulda just gone to they have all the laws concerning mj state by state

    in Connecticut, where this guy was, Any cultivating any number of plants is a felony with up to 7 years or $25,000
  2. Wow haha that's a fail right there.

    Is that really enough probable cause to arrest him and search the house? It's just a question...
  3. I agree the kid is a dumbass but i dont see how that question gave police "probable cause".
  4. I agree and disagree. If someone called and said "How much trouble can I get into for murdering my neighbor?" then police obviously have probable cause, same in this situation.
  5. what a fucking idiot i mean come on.

  6. It probably wouldn't be if he had simply asked a cop, but since he called 911 like a complete brain-dead idiot, circumstances change a little bit. However, I imagine a good lawyer could probably help him out.
  7. that guy is a champ
  8. If only one of us would've been the dispatcher...dude would've gotten a lesson in hydroponics.

  9. LOL too bad the dispatcher wasn't a GC blade...He coulda jus refered
    the kid here [​IMG]
  10. Wow what a dumbass, he should have came to grasscity to find out that info! Haha:smoke:
  11. Are you fucking serious? Dude must of been fucking blazed out his fucking mind or cracked out, comfortable numb or something.

  12. If hes as dumb as he sounds, he probably let them in on a knock and talk...
  13. I don't see what the big deal is. I go to the cops all the time for my weed advice. :rolleyes:
  14. nah call 911 with no emergency, go to jail. and he basically told them he had illegal drugs
  15. my dad actually showed me this a little while ago, i listened to the actual recording of the phone call, it was hilarious! the dispatcher asked him what his location was, and the guy was just like, lets not worry about that yet.

  16. LOL...I'll have to go back and see if I can listen to that

    That cool man...I always enjoy reading how a parent keep there kid(s) informed. Back
    when I was growing was pretty much a sin to even bring it i'm not talking
    pre-1960's....I graduated HS in 1993...Dam now i jus feel old....
  17. wtf we living in nazi germany? :mad: i feel like you can get arrested for anything these days

    Zeigen Sie mir Ihre Papiere!! :cool:

    edit: i agree that wasn't the guys smartest move though

  18. the guy told the 911 operator that he had a seedling. so yea...

  19. yeah true. it just bothers me that you can get arrested for the most harmless shit.

    i remember when i turned 18 still a young motherfucker i went to my local gun shop and bought me a kalashinkov for 300 bucks. now i can own that weapon that can kill a massive amount of people but i cant own a seed?

    man this world makes no sense to me :smoke: its a total unfair mindfuck, run by criminals.

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