Since i was sick and tired of paying a load for disposable Thc pen i decided to buy a Ccell M3 plus battery and some Ccell TH2 carts suposely great. At first i was please to vape my Raw Delta9 distillate in it but on the long term...i'm disapointed. 350 mha for the Ccell M3 plus is may be good for someone who don't dab a lot but for me it's not enough ...i need to recharge it 2-3 time a day. For Raw Delta 9 ...the TH2 carts and even set at 3.3 the thick Raw oil is not at it's best ... small cloud and less buzz ! Lot's of clog episodes. So i decide to try another battery and some other carts that Galaxy420 recommand me in this post : Which refillable 510 cartridge are you using ? So, with all that said... i will give a try to the Yocan Lux max who come whit a 900 mha battery for more longevity and pre-heat fonction and can go far as 4.2 volt and for the Delta 9 thick oil ...i think it will be a must. For the new carts it will be the Prtbl Flo 510 gun metal finish this time : My orders will be in , in the next 4-5 days ... i will write the results and apreciations of both and compare to the Ccell M3 plus and Ccell Th2 then. Later yall !
At first the Ccell M3 plus and the TH2 carts was ok but i vape really thick oil and like i said the 350 mha battery is not strong enought... even at 3.2 volts it's clogging all the time and it's annoying ! i have refilled them 2 times and for now i cleaned them ( th2 carts ) with alcool 99% but did not refilled them again cause i'm out of raw Delta9 who will be ship soon from BC. So i'll be back soon with comparaison with the prtbl 510 flo i have ordered. For 1 thing sure... depending from where you get your Delta9 or 8 depending your need... it's really cheaper to refill ! For me... when i smoke flower it's 1 onz by 2-3 days... and 1 gram of oil i do 8 days on it !!!! the flower onz cost 80-160$ and i can get 1 onz of pure 92% Delta9 for less then 100$... it's eazy to see where the economy is ! battery and carts cost 50$ and carts can go cheap like 4$ each in bulk and the long term is to considerate for the money spent,
Well ! I just received a 7 gram of RAW Delta 9 and it is thiiiiiiiiiick OMG ... I am sure that with the ccel battery it would be impossible to vape it ! Not enought voltage on it ! But the Yocan Lux max at maximum voltage ( 4.2v ) is able to vape it like a charm ! The difference is enormous between the 2 battery ! Yocan Lux max is way above Ccell M3 plus. Now i have another problem but it's a nice one ! My raw Delta 9 i bought is so thick i was only able to fill a serynge at half gram ( even the delta 9 was eated ) cause it was cold ( the cart ) and the distillate clogged into the hole of the serynge LOL I have to find a better way to fill my serynge ! Next refill , i will try in the oven at 180° and the glass seringe will be heat too ! For the Prtbl 510 flo's performing 3 to 4 time better on the yocan compare to the TH2 Ccell but i did not try the TH2 on the Yocan battery... the Ccel battery was like sucking in a clog straw but the yocan air flo is énormous compare so ... Yocan win and leave Ccell in the dust. The Prtbl cart are performing like a charm ... I will edit the post when i will try the TH2 Ccell cart on the yocan Lux max. [EDIT] i forgot to say about the size of the space of the Prtbl 510 flo when refill who is smaller compare to the TH2 Ccell. I have luer lock needle 14 gage for the Ccell but the Prtbl is probably a 18 gage. [EDIT-2] @ 180°F in the oven for 15-20 minutes and i put the glass serynges at the end for about 2 minutes, i was able to fill all 6 serynges with ease. So if you don't have a heated magnetic stirrer it's a good way to do it !
yeah those flo 510 are a bit tight on teh needle ... I just stick the needle tight at the top and let if flo down into the cart, teh sprk 3 carts have plenty of room for the needle to slide down the cart etc.... ... the trick with these is to always heat them in some way before messing with them, especially the sprk og carts and the flo 50 metal ... a candle warmer is great to set the disty jar on to heat it up for use and the disty should get around 160F after it has heated on the candle warmer .. I also use an open candle next to the candle warmer to hold the carts over for a few secs to heat them up some before filling and to help loosen the mouthpiece tip to take it off for filling . also open candle to heat the glass syringe before use otherwise that disty in there just sticks that is awesome you found more juice in the new battery .. I've been using the uni vape ... the original mostly at 3.7 volts and that has been a great little vape these years .. I bought two more new ones for putting back and also use a uni plus pro too that is better than the uni og but not as utilitarian ... teh uni vape I keep in my pockets when working , Carpentry etc...