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New babies

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by degarmo64, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Here is a picture of my 4 new babies.... Is there anything I can do to make sure they are girls? I have grown a full grown male, that is next to these guys, and will be gone by the time they reach maturity.... But I was wondering if there is anyway to make these females? I'd hate to end up with 4 more males!

    Attached Files:

  2. Way too early to tell if they are female man, they just sprouted.

    Chop that male down. Theres no point in it living
  3. There are said to be environmental factors that will encourage female vs male plants, I don't know if I buy it or not, I don't cater to it. Odds are on your side however, that they will not ALL be male. ;)
  4. I'm not asking if you can tell if they are female... I'm asking if there is anything care wise I can do to make them tend to be more girls then boys? And the male does have it's purpose... I'm not only doing this to get high.... The male has many other uses.... He won't be polenating anything.....
  5. I don't know the science behind this but I have read putting banana peels under the plants increases the chance of them being female. The peels will start to decay releasing gases that encourage the development of female plants. I don't know if it works just saying i read it somewhere .
  6. Wow! Okay... I'll try it... I'll keep everyonre posted as they grow.. Thanks dipjr!
  7. Just remembered that you shouldn't let the peels rot. Just let them get black, you know how the get. Let me know what happens. I will try to find the article for you.
  8. Ok will do... Thanks!

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