1. It's not real, the shop told me. I got a pretty bomb price tho. it's 6mm glass. they had identical bongs without the ROOR logo, but the only reason I didn't get an authentic ROOR was because I can't afford one that's not paper thin so this was perfect.

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  2. the shop actually told you it was a fake? wow:confused:

  3. so how much did ya pay?
  4. You should of never bought a fake roor... I just feel i couldn't be proud of it if i knew it was fake.. Hope you didn't drop a bunch of cash on it cuz alt has some nice tubes for a decent amount of money
  5. I paid $129, which is around what a real blue range costs but those ones are 2mm thick. It's a nice sized tube, glass is thick and it hits nice. I'd order online but I still live with my rents. Plus the logo is steeze, it convinced all my friends so fuck it lol

  6. hey man aslong as you like it and are happy, thats what matter and most of all u know what it is
    Stay Green:smoke:

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