Damn, this game looks so fucking bad ass. I can't wait til i get my 360 back from microsoft (got the ring of death) and i can buy or rent this mofo.
looks like a goodn. ive gotten the ring of death a bunch of times but my xbox still works great, weeeeeeird
Assassin's Creed looks amazing, I just hope they do a good job with small details which it looks as though they will. I can't wait to throw some people off roofs.
Dude im so stoked for this game, I mean its the creators of the Prince of Persia series..can't get any better than that.
I read some shit about the AI and they said it is so advanced that sometimes when they are chasing you they take routes that the developers never thought possible! Intense! here is the popsci article on the hard science of gaming: http://www.popsci.com/popsci/technology/8312f0209dd15110vgnvcm1000004eecbccdrcrd/4.html