So I just saw another anti-drug commercial, this time with with url to :
I love their "quiz". I answered "no" to all of them, just to see what the thing would tell me: Anyway, a very pathetic attempt by the creators none-the-less. Everything about their site is stereotypical, like "Two girls anxiously await the results of a pregnancy test after one of them had unprotected sex while she was high." What is this, the 50s? They disproved that correllation decades ago.
fuck the haters man you know what im asyin all they do is try to hate on a g edit: hahha i took the e and felt great and amazing and went home by my curfew, but i still seemed to feel like shit - cranky and depressed and shit - and vowed never to touch it again. harhar these games are so stupid but then i went to a party next day and took more e and felt great, then said no to some heroin and tooka ride but then took a cab and got home fine.
I wrote them a very polite letter offer to assist them in revising their marijuana information page with correct information and to assist them with omitted information.
"You've only answered "yes" to a few questions, but even those few could mean you're not as in control of your drug use as you might think. You might want to check out the Real Stories section to see what other teens have to say about substance use and how to tell if it's becoming a problem." ROFLMFAO.... 100%, Grade A, Government Bullshit boys. White as the driven snow. Disco shit.
LMAO Fast Food has killed many more people than weed. I can see the commercial already: "Can you go a day without a Big Mac? A weekend without fries? Check Yourself!" Nevermind, they can't get tax dollars for that.
lol, i just opened up the page and this is the first thing is see... now, i havent tried it myself, but im pretty sure when you're dropping acid you are gonna see shit...
You've only answered "yes" to a few questions, but even those few could mean you're not as in control of your drug use as you might think. You might want to check out the Real Stories section to see what other teens have to say about substance use and how to tell if it's becoming a problem. QUIZ DISCLAIMER: The Twelve Questions are reprinted with the permission of Marijuana Anonymous World Services, Inc. M.A. has not reviewed or approved the contents of this publication, nor does M.A. necessarily agree with the views expressed herein. As for their "info" page: Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Yeah, same govt BS. How many of these sites is the nida gonna make?
im really high^^^^ what does that mean? lol 4percocets a 40oz and only 2 bowls im pretty fucked lol OFF THERE SITE . . . EDIT: i know i'm an addict, i have probably smoked pot atleast once a day since i was 14. I'm 18 now, and i still do it, every damn day of my life. that is how i know i'm an addict, because i can't go a day without it. in the beginning of my use i went downhill. straight out of catholic school and placed smack dab in the middle of a crowded public highschool. i failed the s**t out of my sophomore year because i didn't care. but personally i think i have come a long way. even though i use, i have kept my job for almost 2 years now, and i'm graduating on time even though i'm not supposed too. i'm even on honor roll, imagine that. i have expirmented with other things such as meth, cocain, extacy, dxm, acid, and shrooms, but maryjane has always been there for me. i havent done much of the other s**t, except a line of coke here and there in the past 2 years, but the drug i hate the most is meth, it destroyed all my friends. it was destroying the town i live in. i liked speed, i really did, but to see what it was doing to my friends was insane. i wont touch it, wont look at it, wont even watch anyone do it. i stopped talking to them, stopped hanging out with them cuz i couldnt watch them do that to themselves knowing that i couldnt stop them. you can't make an addict quit, they have to have the will power to do it. i watched the girl i'm in love with ruin herself for it. i know a girl who i used to be close with who just turned 16 who has been addicted to meth for atleast 2 years. its sad and its heartbreaking. meth is the root of all evil. i was lucky enough to never get that into it, and i love myself for it. about 6 months ago, i could probably name off atleast 15 people i knew that we're addicted to meth. and when meth went dry here, they all turned to crack. i couldn't believe it. i never in my life thought that people i used to be so close with were smoking crack. a lot of them have come to realization that they are so much better than that. the love of my life has recently quit doing speed, and is cutting herself off from the people and places it comes from. another friend of mine has quit drugs all together, and another is finally getting herself help. i just wish that the others would follow in their foot steps, but they're just in way to deep. i cant believe this got posted on there site, maybe im just rweally really fucked up but he made drugs sound ok if you can control it...... anyone else get that feeling from that
In this spot, a guy drops a little bag with drugs in it on the counter of a busy fast food restaurant. ^^ haha these anti-sites just keep gettin funnier
lol read this quote under this girls picture in her "story"
"When I turned 17 my grades were horrid, and I was trying stronger drugs such as LSD and PCP. One time I even hallucinated...After that terrible experience combined with my poor grades I decided enough is enough.." NO! You dont say? After LSD? You HALLUCINATED? ... I just dont believe it. Not one goddamn second of it!
Its obvious the marijuana makes you completely retarded. I mean honestly look a bunch of potheads made a website and can actually grow this complicated plant and harvest it. WITHOUT getting caught by people who don't do drugs. And there's a commercial on that site where a girl gets a nosebleed from coke or heroin I assume. But she's in some advanced math class lol and the LSD and PCP hallucination thing is so funny and might be a hint that its a fake story.
When I turned 17 my grades were horrid, and I was trying stronger drugs such as LSD and PCP. One time I even hallucinated... i would like to know the guy that ripped her off on the lsd so that she only tripped once. i'd like to shake his hand.