New Android Grasscity Community App now live , FOR FREE in the Google Play Store Check it out here: Thank you blades for hanging in there with us! SJ
Works FANTASTIC. Thank you. I think im the 1st to DL but tue .99 is well worth it... Thanks for posting this
why cant it be a free app? you really have to charge people a $1.00? im sure it will work flawlessly, like the GC changes recently /\\ (extreme sarcasm) /\\
We are please to hear you guys are happy with the new App The amount of work we put on this forum improvements is enormous. We plan to improve Grasscity way further however it is not easy to do so. The income generated through mobile app will be fully dedicated to Grasscity Community improvements. I will like to take this chance and remind one thing to all Blades This is just a start , we will make Grasscity better then ever and thanks for the patience and assistance you showed during the painful 1 week conversion period.
Any reason why I can only see one page of subbed threads? And why are many of my subbed threads not appearing even though it says I'm following the thread? Also, any idea why all of the threads I've posted in and unsubbed from are now part of my subbed threads after the update?
When you go to subscribed area on the mobile app are ypu looking at forums at the top too, or topics? I saw that at first when I logged in too
When you go to subscribed area on the mobile app are ypu looking at forums at the top too, or topics? I saw that at first when I logged in too </blockquote> Yeah, I'm under "Favorites" under topics
Need to wait Friday to check Android phone is at hq , i couldn't stand using it more then 15 minutes lol
it seems it is designed like that as i also see similar on iPad version. I will investigate possibility to change this behaviour for future versions. Let me inform some features for iPad version. From settings you can choose which notifications you want to receive on your application. You can enable/disable post avatars, smilies, bbcodes and quoted images
However i also noticed that Participated tab on Latest allow you to track all your participated threads.
because we can? that's not a very good answer that answer should deter people from buying the app that's like a person going into a hospital for an operation and the doctors telling the patient "well, were charging you $10,000.00 for the surgery just because we can". I think the person should know the honest reason their being charged what their being charged
I'm pretty sure (Hope so) that he was using the ^sarcasm^ thing as satirical humor. Wouldn't mind a reason for why it isn't free, though.
Well you did it dude , the app is free!!! Happy now???? Enjoy and chillax dude SJ Sent from my Quantum Computer on the Holodeck