New, and failing hard. Help please

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Twixedd, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Hello, i have been smoking for about 3 years now. not to long, mostly on and off. So recently ive decided to start growing for fun. Due to the fact my family also is a commercial orchard company. Im having some problems and below i will have pictures of what i have started.

    So so far ive germinated my plants the usual way. i have bought lights. i got 3 120 watt's and 2 75 watt's and 1 100watt. Basically i dont have space right now i will soon though. for my soil im using normal miracl grow, Also ive put a small amount of mycorrihzzal fungi. Its basically a root stemulator my fathers company uses. Ive used very little espically due to the fact my plants are only 4-6 days old.

    I have 2 plants in the pictures there not in the usual routine i moved my metal reflector piece that goes between them. But today when i went to go buy my bulbs i came back there were fine. Then my larger plant which is only about 4' tall i replaced its 75watt with a 120watt. and i suppose i put it to close. i came back from eating and it fell over and seemed very weak. So i took my girlfriends hair pin and propped it up and put it in deeper.

    My other plant has just started and seems to just get started. My watering is pretty consistent, when im around i will time to time spray it with a spray bottle. when i leave for work ill give it a little more water.

    So my question is why is my plant acting like this and what can i do to save it.



    Thank you for anyone that replies and helps me. Also these plants are name brands and im pretty sure are purple hulk or haze. So not really for beginners which isnt helpful
  2. I Need Help my plants are dieing as we speak
  3. Can't see anything in the pics but if the baby has fallen over it would tell me there are water issues. Probably not enough. The soil should be evenly moist (not saturated) and should NEVER dry out
  4. i water it all the time. So i should water it alot more? i give it about 3-4 sprays normally with the bottle. you dont think the heat had to do with it ?
  5. Is the soil moist all the way through? Spraying may not be getting moisture to the roots.

    Heat may stress the plant but usually wont cause it to droop if there is enough moisture in the medium.
  6. Yah i just watered them alot, hopefully that gets it back on there feet. ive got a small fan in there also now to keep the air circulation and the heat being moved. Cheer's check back tomorrow if you can and see if i find something else wrong ;)
  7. If anyone else has any idea's on what to do please inform me. and how long should i expect my baby to stop playing dead? :D
  8. #8 1badbruce, Aug 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2012
    Possible over watering. Giving nutes to plants that are 4-6 days old. Mircle Grow.
    Get some bagseed or begginer strains, cheaper way to learn to grow.
    If you half ass your set up your going to produce half ass weed.
    You absolutely have to start reading the 'stickies'
    On my first grow I still made plenty of mistakes even though I studied the stickies for a year.
    It takes time to learn to grow but a year down the road you'll be surprised & amazed at what your producing.

    edit: Keep a journal so you know what you fed & how often. Easier to look back through a journal to see where you might have made mistakes, what works well & what doesn't.
  9. So my plants continue to look dead. there basically same as what they were. First question wheres a safe website to buy from and what does there billing come up as? and any idea's on what kind of weed to buy for beginning and a moderate weed for after i learn. That would be very helpful. I also have no real price money problem only space but i did find a good spot. Thank you for anyone that has good info....

    1badbruce. Yah i think it is the watering i probably watered to many times and should have watered one good time. my setup is revamped from my pictures before i spent 3 hours last night putting metal walling for reflection and fan's. im going to go buy another fan for exhaling heat from there.
  10. If you have a local grow shop, usually a hydro store, go there. May be a bit more pricey in stores for the nutes. Sometimes cheaper with certain mixes / soil, just don't buy the crappy stuff they over price.

    General Hydroponics, Fox farms, etc, are all good. Don't be afraid to ask them questions, you can discuss your tomatoes with them and they'll help you.

    Even though its not a big problem, I just wouldn;'t go there one day and dish out hundreds of dollars on almost a complete setup where it's really suspicious or you get pulled over by a cop and they get suspicious, just taking less risks you know.

    you won't even need nutes for the first few weeks, and if you get an organic mix like fox farm happy frog or fox farm ocean forest you will be good for at least a month as they put a lot of organic nutes in it already.

    good luck man, don't let something like this hold you up., take it as a learning experience
  11. thanks man. would u be able to help me with finding some easy growing seeds? i have looked and searched through websites gc shows as not scams and i cannot decide on what is easy and whats good for its buck. i mean ive smoked alot of the but not entirly sure on which is easy. and thanks for all that info i will def be copying that for future refrence when i set up my 2nd bedroom grow room in my new house. and any idea's anyone on growing in a apartment. its a high end apartment so not really alot of you know people running around. and i have my 2nd bedroom set up way in the back. so thanks

  12. Have to take off, but will update my post, but for the mean time really quick. Attitude Seed Bank is good, charges your card as Attitudes Gifts, or you can do money order.*beginner-strains*-updated.html

    ^ Good thread for beginner strains

  13. I did a search for beginner strains on Absolute Beginners forum & came up with this. Forums - Search Results

    You should be able to find some easy & cheap strains in here.

    If you don't mind a suggestion get your grow room square first & then start your grow.


  14. Google Attitude Seed Bank. Cnat remember what they come up as but its nothing Cannabis related.

    I grew in my apartment all last year. Same as really growing anywhere. Was a high end place as well.
  15. As for your grow the reason why it failed was most likely Miracle Grow soil. Worst soil out there for Cannabis. Sometimes it works usually its some horror story.
  16. what do you suggest? i would like to know more!
  17. Fox Farm Ocean Soil or Promix both are excellent. You wont find them at lowes home depot. Mail order or your local hydro store.
  18. Well what kind of soil do you think i should use that would be very beneficial
  19. Should really consider NOT using a picture account that has your personal photos in it.... :eek:
  20. dont use miracle grow soil

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