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New: A cure has been discovered for Mad Cow Disease, guess what it is...

Discussion in 'General' started by iryad, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. Yup, pot! :hello:,22049,22430980-5001028,00.html

  2. yay marijuana
  3. along with significantly decreasing cancer cell reproduction in malignant tumors of a variety of cancers and brain disease. As days pass by, the more my rage builds up towards this system of lies.
  4. I want a good relationship with cows. I smoke them up, and they give me good poop so I can grow some shrooms.

    Should work out nicely.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Or you could not eat meat!:p

    Thats good news
  6. Ha hahaha! Got a nice chuckle out of that one. Just didn't see it coming I guess.

    You know, a lot of people think that Mad Cow disease is or is closely related to OldTymer's disease. (Altseymer's or however you spell it). Wouldn't be surprised at ALL if weed effects that disease.

    Research is in order!
  7. Indeed.
  8. Alzheimer's?

    It does help prevent it.
  9. Screw that noise, Red meat is my forte.
  10. woooo hoooo

    herbal power!

  11. Agreed.
  12. Possible cure. But it's still good news.
  13. Oh that's already been proven my friend:
  14. Old tymers hahahah!!
  15. horse poo works better, where cows got the 5 stomachs alot of like minerals an stuff is lost.... not eatin them would be
  16. I've already found another cure.

    Change the channel when Oprah comes on. ZING!

  17. Trust me, there's no need to smoke them up. They'll give you all the poop you'll ever want.

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