Never Thought I'd Be Caught

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Dankatron, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. So i came home from a night of partying on a normal Spring Break day and i was super hung over so i decided fuck it and stuck all my smoking things (stemaroller, quarter of bud, lighter, splood etc) in my back pack in my room. My mom wasnt home and my Dad isnt the type of dad who searches my shit. So i was like cool watever this works and i went downstairs to eat some good food. My dad coems in the kitchen like "What the fuck is this Lucas?" im like uhh he had my pipe and pot in hand..

    Im like fuck my liife, still hungover i wasnt really in the mood and he lectured me on how its ruining my life. I am pissed at this. I asked him how its "ruining" my life. He had no response. I asked him how i attained a straight 3.5 gpa all throughout highschool. His response was i dont give a fuck.

    Anyways hes like "i dont know how much this weed costs or whose pipe but its all gone!" i hear the toilet flush... sad. Also he broke my pipe worst noise ever...

    Anyways. before he left today he told me not to smoke crack as if he was being funny. Smartass fucker. I dont know what to do. he still doesnt know i drink or know where my stash spot is in my room, which is my guitar amp. what should i do?
  2. Keep smoking if you want to, just be more careful. Smoke outside of your parents' house if they don't want it under their roof.
  3. Why'd he go through your backpack? Tell him well atleast when I have kids they'll love me!!! Haha jk.
  4. That would hurt to hear that from your kid ouch....

    but just dont be stupid with your smoking keep it out of their house dont push his buttons
  5. Ask him why he went through his adult sons belongings.
  6. Nice insinuation.
  7. #7 tflga, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2009

    I've had the same situation when It came to my father going through my shit.

    Some parents, don't believe in their childrens personal belongings, and snoop whenever, and wherever they please.

    I asked that same question. "Why did you go through my shit dad, my stuff, my room.." etc..

    His response was.. "This is my house, my rules."

    I've learned to not smoke in my house anymore... As long as they're not home ;)

    Just make sure that he won't drug test you weekly, monthly..You should be fine to keep toking. Just keep a low key.
  8. Touche
  9. no of course he wont drug test me and even if i did ill just be like what do yuo expect. after thinking it through ive decided to keep on smoking as my parents did when they were my age both of them. and look how they turned out. my dad even attempted his own grows so i dont wanna hear his bullshit. hes now a military retire-ee and thinks hes all high and mighty. said i was risking his job by bringing pot in his house

    his main point to be pissed was how i brought shit in the house. my mom said when i was at an earlier age when caught she wouldnt care if i smoked as long as i kept it in the house and didnt get caught by police i love my mom. fuck my dad. hippocrit

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