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Never smoked "Dank" or a strain

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by -Jon, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. #1 -Jon, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
    I have never smoked a strain of weed or dank weed, idk what the defination of dank is but i never smoked weed that looks like this[Down] I think i have only smoked mids..Big difference?
  2. that sucks.
    atleast you didnt get raped.

    im smoking jack herer right now :smoking:
  3. That blows?? Dunno what the point here is lol
  4. IDK that stuff looks pretty good to me, bad pic but it looks like dank. If this is what your smoking then I'd say you were smoking danker stuff

    Oh wait youve never smoked stuff like that, my bad
  5. Edit lol, how much better is it then mids.
  6. Well do something about it BRO!!

    You'll learn that quality is one crucial point of marijuana
  7. once you get headies you never go back...
    (unless you're broke)
  8. A lot better. I don't think you can even count mids as getting a full experience of smoking weed honestly, I'm not being a snob I think its just a fact.
  9. [ame=]YouTube - Sad Trombone Sound Effect - FAIL Sound[/ame]
  10. Good weed is good weed, average weed is average weed, and bad weed is bad weed.

    That picture is very good weed, you probably smoke commercial mids. the stuff thats grown hastily and packaged hastily to be sold hastily.

    good weed is grown with love and care. :)
  11. then i'd rather buy acid or other drugs
  12. It got me all depressed that i never smoked good weed, well i dont think i have haha. Around here we dont hear about strains exepct 1 time a dealer said they had white rhino, and i got a few grams and smoked it with my buddies and it was like the same as everything else around here, so i guess it was a fake. It would be better if i had a photo of the weed around here to go by, im pretty sure its mids though
  13. good weed is overrated for the price considering i can go o's of ariz for $60. dank weed is definetly better and everything but for the price its not always worth it. i mostly smoke dank though cuz i no people but if i had 2 pay da nourmal price like anything over $300 a oz i couldn't do it i would just feel bad bout wasting money for a plant that grows from da ground. but smoking piff is definetly a experience every smoker should have atleast once a week if your a everyday smoker or once a month if your a weekend smoker.
  14. Im really pissed right now.
  15. That would suck not being able to find headies. Gotta have the good stuff at least sometimes. :smoking:
  16. I hear you man. I have smoked the "dank" stuff when I lived in different places, but moving to W. Kentucky brought everything like that to a screeching halt.

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