NEVER EVER charge your MFLB batteries with any other brand

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by huzi, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. #1 huzi, Aug 9, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2012
    I am very high right now - even though i just experienced a serious high killer. I put my batteries on charge in my room then went to the bathroom to use my mflb and smoke some half done weed. when i came back black smoke was oozing out of the door of my battery charger. i opened it, a big cloud of black smoke came out and hit me right in the face.

    i got shit scared and picked up the charger and put it in the sink. i never covered it with water cause that was a good charger lol, so i took my towel and tried to take the batteries out which was stuck to the charger (i was really fukin scared cause batteries can explode if you heat them or burn them and these ones were SIZZLING. Seriously, they were making cracking and sizzling noises even after i unplugged the charger! I just had to save this charger cause it was really good and even had an lcd display :D) and had to pull really hard to get them off. then i threw the two batteries that smoked up away and kept the other two (the charger supported four batteries).

    tl;dr: dont charge mflb batteries with any otghers and happy smolkin :smoke::smoke:
  2. Dont charge it with any other what? A charger? Or don't use the charger with other batteries? Because thats obvious...
  3. you're probably using the wrong batteries. I've bought different batteries and charged them countless times without problems.
    here you go.

    Magic-Flight Launch Box - Vaporpedia
  4. The MFLB doesn't use special batteries...Just standard rechargeable AA's with the label peeled off. I'm guessing the charger you used has a metal contact near the middle or something causing it to short circuit
  5. [quote name='"lilro"']The MFLB doesn't use special batteries...Just standard rechargeable AA's with the label peeled off. I'm guessing the charger you used has a metal contact near the middle or something causing it to short circuit[/quote]

  6. MFLB batteries are your standard Ni-MH batteries, with various amperages but its all the same in the eyes of chargers. If the positive and negative of the two batteries touched eachother, it may of caused a short circuit which would result in what you described.

    Next time, don't do drugs kiddo!
  7. fire in the hole
  8. Nope, nothing was touching. The MFLB battery wasn't the one that heated up, it was the energizer battery that heated up. They were both the same type (not sure about the maH but i know they were the same size AA and were also both nickel metal-hydride)

  9. Oh so you charged 2 different brands of batteries at the same time?? Yeah no wonder it started smoking. You aren't supposed to do that.

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