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Never cough?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sharkbng, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Okay so i just started smoking a couple months ago and i never have coughed more than once or twice when smoking. My brothers been smoking for around 7-8 years and has some nice pieces.

    Well my first time i smoked out of my brothers 2foot RooR coughed once then no more haha. Ive smoked blunts, bubbles, Gravity bongs, water falls, and nothing makes me cough.

    The weed isnt bad i know that. I also get fucked up still so ya. Am i doing something wrong?
  2. Nothing wrong, the goal isnt to cough.:wave:
  3. I know the goal isnt :p, but i mean everyone talks about coughing up a lung their first time and many times after that. and tat has never happened to me.
  4. It varies from person to person. Coughing is caused by irritation of the throat and by the mass of the smoke; most people arent used to this, so they cough. You would only cough if the smoke was dense enough to irritate your throat and trigger it. If you really want to cough, hold the lighter/beeline/hakko on the bowl about 5 secs longer than you usually would and take in the whole hit!! haha but really its nothing to stress about.:D
  5. it differs from person to person.... the larger and hotter the hit the higher chance you have of coughing....
  6. haha heres your problem: Puss hits.
  7. I'm the same way, the only time I cough is when I take really huge hits. It kind of makes it a better experience, though.
  8. thats how i used to be before starting cigarettes...

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