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Needs tips on how to eat more without munchies

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SmokeAndThink, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. #1 SmokeAndThink, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    I've been trying to bulk up lately and have realised how hard it is to force myself to eat after taking a break from ganja. I smoked daily for about a year taking a few breaks here and there, but now it feels as if my hunger dissipates after my first few bites.

    It's a real pain forcing myself to eat when I'm not hungry. When I smoked daily I could eat half my fridge. Any tips for regaining my appetite?
  2. Keep breaking from weed and keep trying to eat. Eventually, you'll go back to normal.
  3. Don't worry it's not permanent...your appetite should return within a week. Last time I took a break my appetite seemed to increased by a lot after a week of not eating much. Just give it time
  4. Increase your water intake to stretch your stomach. It's what I do to train for large eating endeavors.
  5. Thanks for the responses. So I guess it's just time. I drink over a gallon of water a day. It's just the hunger likes to leave a bit too early. Now I know what to expect. Thanks GC
  6. You can also try eating more times per day. It's healthier anyway.
  7. How was your appetite before you ever smoked weed? Maybe you just have naturally high metabolism and it's hard for your body to bulk up.
  8. I'm glad to read that you're drinking a lot of water, but NEVER drink a lot during or after eating! Water dilutes the stomach acids which takes the body a long time to digest your food. Drink water at least 90 mins after you eat. I like to drink 30 mins before I eat. I drink less and eat more this way. Water just fills you up with no calories. When you're trying to bulk up, water will not help when you're mixing it with food. Stay away from junk food too. The body craves healthy food more than junk food. Taking multivitamins with your food can help your body get energized. The more energy you burn, the more food you're body will need. I take mine in the morning, instead of coffee. Eating smaller meals more often might also help your body too.

    Good luck my friend!
  9. if youre a fast eater try eating slower.
  10. I find when I are pissed or angry I am able to eat alot. Or just be sidetracked while you eat. Like at the cinema you munch through a ton of popcorn without realising it

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