Needing to pass a pre-employment drug test on short notice. (Super America)

Discussion in 'General' started by Euphorizaak, Jul 20, 2011.

  1. So i'm kind of in a rough situation: A friend of mine was aware that I had been seeking employment since the beginning of summer, and contacted me yesterday about a job opening at her workplace. Within three hours of her contacting me about the opening, I had already walked across town, filled out the application, been interviewed, and offered the job. The problem is that I have a very small window of time before my pre-employment drug test, as I will more than likely be taking it some time tomorrow afternoon. The last time I smoked was 2 days ago, and it wasn't all that much. It's been very humid here so i've been sweating a ton, walking a ton (no car), drinking lots of water & green tea, and I also took/am taking a few cranberry pills that my mother gave me. I'm aware that these methods may not be the most effective way to pass a drug test, but i'm doing them anyways as precautions. What i'm really looking for is some input (preferably from personal experience) on what would be the best way to go about passing the test. If you're just going to sit and complain or lecture, I thank you for reading this but please don't waste your time. Thanks!
  2. Go to your local head shop and get detoxify. They have many different brands. Get the most powerful. My friend used detoxify for his probation drug tests and passed every time.
  3. Good luck dude

    i have never tried the detoxify but If your can't afford it I would drink a ton of orange juice and take vitamin E, but thats only a home fix.
  4. Thanks much :) I have money for a detox kit or whatever products that the headshops around here have, was just wondering what people think would be the best idea on such short notice!

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