Hi, I'm pretty new at this This is actually my first time getting caught with wax!! Does anyone know what happens if you do? I been caught with some wax.. The cop arrested me, charged with procession of wax!! and I was locked up in county.. I got bailed and still haven't got a court date till 6 months gone by.. Does anyone know what will happen? I also have my medical card and recommendation!!! Any help will help!!!
look it up instead of going on grasscity forums where people will misinform u Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Where do I look it up? I check almost everywhere I just wanted to know if anyone has been in this situation and what happen!!!
Although I have no experience with being busted like that, I am going to guess that if 6 months have passed, then nothing will happen. I had a friend who blew a .08 when he was 19 and they never sent anything over a year later when I found out about it.
Dude in mass its decriminalized you just get a fine and theres no court date Id look that shit up man.