need your help please

Discussion in 'General' started by tokr8989, May 25, 2009.

  1. what is 1/10 = ?/14

    i have to individualy wrap my weed in bags for each day otherwise i will smoke it all
  2. Ummm are you asking what 1/10 of a half ounce is?
  3. 1.4 lol. No idea what you're asking.
  4. 14 divided by 10 = 1.4 if that's what you mean?? (so you will smoke 1.4 grams everyday for 10 days?)
  5. yeah, in weight. thats really what i need here plz
  6. Yeah dude, 1.4 grams. Just move the decimal.

    14 x .10 = 1.4
  7. okay, let me rephrase question

    what is the weight in grams of .1 ounce?
  8. 1.4 grams dude.
  9. Thanks to all, just really high and couldint do math or understand quite what i needed
  10. That would be 1.4 x 2....

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