A good friend of mine told me she was thinking of cutting herself. She has a history of doing this and i know that its not fixing anything, only hurting herself and the people that love her. Obviously ive already told her how much love i have for her and will help her to fix any mistakes and help in any way possible, but i just dont know what else to say to her. any speedy, insightful replies would be much appreciated. thankyou guys. and please, keep this serious.
Not to be an ass, but she needs professional help... The best you can do is talk to her, but more importantly listen, to try to avert a crisis, but she should seek out professional help... My sister used to do this. She only stopped once she had been in therapy for awhile...
shit dude its been so long i heard about people cutting themselves.. i knew a couple girls that did it in grade 8 for attention. IMO shit is pretty retarted, if i was suicidal i would fucking kill my self not inflict pain.. but thats me lol. anyways girl needs to seek help immediately probly do a stint in a psych ward or some shit.
Talk to her, find out what's bugging her and making her want to cut in the first place. isolating the problem will give you a better idea of how to maybe solve it or at least quell it temporarily. distract her from her troubles: download some episodes of the Office, listen to some music... there's too much positivity in life that she could be focusing on.
I think you need to quit lavishing her with attention and tell her she needs help. Tough love. I was a cutter, one of my best friends is a cutter, and I'm telling you honesty & the straight truth are what she needs, not coddling. My friend still hasn't stopped and she is in her fifties and has constant professional help. It is what it is. But if she's getting attention from it, if she's loved more because she's a cutter - she'll never stop. - My humble opinion from my own experience
-____- yea...you sure are understanding anyways to the OP: your friend has sever depression and this is something that she could eventually stop on her own over time, but if she does not have the will power it could become very serious. She might even consider taking her life. Maybe there is an underlying problem that's really getting to her. Dont be afraid to talk to her, you are her friend. Show her the beauty in life. That there is so much more. peace and love brotha