I'm planning on buying 1or 2 clones from a shop. I just want a list of a basic, basic setup. And other advice u have thanks!
get the ez cloner. best investment you can get works great ive had 100 percent success! razor blades, cloning gel, and florescent lighting t5 or even those 4 ft shop lights work fine!
whoops must have misunderstood your post. really depends on your budget, how big you want them, available space etc for a solid reply post more about your what you are working with. id go with a couple 3 gal pots and get a 250 watt switchable. will let you use mh for veg then switch the bulb and switch and let them rip with the hps.
A rubber tote and and some airstones sounds gud dude...there's a lot of threads on that..do a quick search on "diy cloner"... Shud point u in the right direction..
[quote name='"4ganja2green0"']whoops must have misunderstood your post. really depends on your budget, how big you want them, available space etc for a solid reply post more about your what you are working with. id go with a couple 3 gal pots and get a 250 watt switchable. will let you use mh for veg then switch the bulb and switch and let them rip with the hps.[/quote] I just want for personal use. I smoke about an ounce a month. Some time about 35grams. And I have my room to grow. N how much I think the most basic n small set would cost about?
If you want to save money just get take a get cloning gel and take a large water bottle (I use fiji since my girl drinks them and they are 1.5l I think) I cut them in half fill a third with soil put the clone in and put the top back on with the cap and place in window. Should root in a week or so and you already have a small pot for them to grow in when you take the top half off. I also mist through the cap with a sprayer keeps the humidity high for them. I have never had a clone die using this method with 30+ clones
[quote name='"greenbowlpacker"']If you want to save money just get take a get cloning gel and take a large water bottle (I use fiji since my girl drinks them and they are 1.5l I think) I cut them in half fill a third with soil put the clone in and put the top back on with the cap and place in window. Should root in a week or so and you already have a small pot for them to grow in when you take the top half off. I also mist through the cap with a sprayer keeps the humidity high for them. I have never had a clone die using this method with 30+ clones[/quote] But what kind of lights divide use
They dont need much light at first just the light through the window is enough for the first week or two. Once I can take the top of the cut bottle off(acts like a humidity dome) and they dont fall over there ready to be put in under what ever light your vegging with. If its a mh or hps just put them off to the side and far from the light so they dont get to much light. I just use cfls in a custom nightstand I made.