Need To Get As Big As I Can In 3 Months.

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by INTP, May 23, 2013.

  1. Thanks guys ill come back to post progress reports. I've started drinking at least two litres of milk a day as its hard to drink heaps as I work bad hours. I spoke to a personal training and told him my circumstances and he wrote me up a plan and I'm hurting after every session (in a good way) so I hope to see some progress!
    Thanks again blades.
  2. Look up sylvester stallones workouts when he trained for rambo. Some bomb work outs imho

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  3. the truth hurts OP, you cant just cram muscle in like that, but the three months could be a good start for you.
  4. #24 carrotcake, Jun 28, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2013
    If you are serious about getting your best bang for your buck in 3 months, don't do GOMAD. I wouldn't ever recommend it to a client honestly. Read up on some proper nutrition and eat like a beast. A beast who eats out of tupperware containers with similar foods day in and day out. You need a lot of water, and shouldn't drink much besides water. Get a lot of good carbs (low GI), a max of 1 gram protein per pound of bodyweight (excess protein can harm your kidney/liver and store as fat in your body), and still eat healthy fats.
    All of the GOMAD, low-carb, see-food diet is all crap. Diets and binges don't do anything but fool you into a false sense of accomplishment, often with less than spectacular results to the body. Not to mention that you need a lifestyle change or nutritional change you will stick to for the years to come. Fad diets and workouts fail because they are temporary and don't feed or work your body the way it needs to be.
    If you are wanting to gain weight and don't care if it's fat, then sure get a surplus of calories daily with GOMAD. But two people of the same height and weight at different body fat percentages will be drastically different. Not only will they be more defined, but they will have the appearance of being larger than they are due to the muscle definition.
    It sucks to hear you can't do much in 3 months time, but keep at it and you have real potential for results. If you were serious for a year and gained 10 pounds of muscle and lost a few pounds of fat as a skinny kid (or no fat loss), I promise you will have noticeable results worth the time and effort. Before and after photos will really back up this. Even for a 3 month period it's a good idea to do before/after photos.
    Anyway eat like a madman and train with mainly compound lifts and a few supplemental isolation exercises at the end of the workout if you feel the need. Rest and recuperation are also a big part of gaining muscle.
    Good luck!
  5. 2 hours?! What are they hust talking the whole time lol

    15 minutes intense workout.

    Do pyramid sets and lift as kucj as possibl. Instead of resting lower the weigjt then rais it again

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  6. #26 Grow2dab, Jun 28, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2013
    It's not rocket science just knowledge and hard work.  Work out your daily carbs/protein/fat intake (google will sort you out), use the Internet to work out what it needs to be for the gains your after then work out a diet.
    Stick to that diet word for word, smash your training routine (at least 3 days a week) and you will see the gains your after.
  7. Drink some casein protein before you go to bed, its slow releasing and that could help you too. Then when you wake up drink another shake, eat and go workout.
    Just lift a lot and use a spotter that helps shock your muscles rather than using the same weight.
    Beans are a great source of protein and brown rice for carbs.
    If you eat healthy youll get ripped!
  8. 3 main exercises.
    Squat, Bench, Deadlift.
    With some additional very good exercises such as, barbell curls, chin ups, dips, and arnold presses.
    5x5 for the 3 main lifts
    and 4x10 for the additional exercises.
    Up EVERYTHING in calories, protein,carbs, and healthy fats and make sure it's quality food you are putting down.  3 months is enough to make a big difference and is called noob gains.  When I was 13 and started lifting I gained an easy 20 lbs in 3-4 months.  You can look significantly better if you put in the hard work and effort. 
    Don't forget to get at least 8 hours of sleep.  Rest is of huge importance when it comes to creating an anabolic state for your body in terms of recovery and muscle growth.
    Get big son.
  9. I don't know what you're body type is but if you're taking in way too much fat and calories then what you are utilizing, you are going to gain fat.  Especially with whole milk.  Get 1 or 2%.
    Don't just rely on milk either.  Eat steaks, chicken breasts, canned tuna/fish, lots of salad, oats, brown rice, whole grain pasta.
    Make sure you eat 1 1/2-2 hours before your workout.  This is important to gaining mass and you will feel MUCH better in the gym with way more energy and strength.  Something like 1 chicken breast, small salad, and a cup of brown rice.  Nothing too big.

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