Need to be clean!!!!

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by w33dman2, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. hey guys well ive been clean for like a week already and i get drug tested in 3 days... if i drink a vinegar bottle will i be clean for sure by 3 days...need help guys afraid of getting locked up again:(...
  2. First off, this is posted in the wrong section.
    Secondly, no, THC is stored in fat cells, drinking vinegar is not a good idea.
  3. drink a shitload of water on test day and piss 2 times before your test and piss mid stream into the cup you should be clean within 5 days unless your fat and out of shape and smoke mad amounts each day
  4. Dude goto GMC and get detox for $30 buck 4 pills take that 8 hours before drug test Drink 14 onces of water. If you Cant afford that THEN YO ASS NEED TO BE LOCKED UP!

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