Alright blades, i'm looking to buy a vape. I havent toked in a while since my parents caught me a few months ago, but i'm ready to start back up. I'm looking for the most stealthiest vape there is. Little to no smell and easy to hide. My budget is $150. So please guys hit me up with some suggestions. Oh, and it has to be a portable one. Thanks blades.
in your budget and portable too, then i would suggest the arizer solo instead, which can be found for around that price range.
[quote name='"l James l"']I would suggest the Arizer Extreme Q or maybe the Arizer Extreme V to fit your budget.[/quote] [quote name='"ilovebOObs420"']in your budget and portable too, then i would suggest the arizer solo instead, which can be found for around that price range.[/quote] All these are too big. I was looking into something smaller. Like a handheld one, like a bowl so I can pocket it when needed to.
Magic Flight Launch Box. Stealthiest vape around. Can be had for around $75 on Amazon, and has a lifetime warranty. Great little device. Some people hate em, most people love em. I love mine!
[quote name='"kyle944811"']Magic Flight Launch Box. Stealthiest vape around. Can be had for around $75 on Amazon, and has a lifetime warranty. Great little device. Some people hate em, most people love em. I love mine![/quote] What about the smell? Does it stink? For how long?
Im sorry man. The mflb is all hype. It works if you have the techniques down but it doesn't come close to the hits of a normal vape. The puffit is legit. drew from that a couple of nights ago and it was a joyous occasion. plussss it looks like an inhaler
[quote name='"StudStudly"']Im sorry man. The mflb is all hype. It works if you have the techniques down but it doesn't come close to the hits of a normal vape. The puffit is legit. drew from that a couple of nights ago and it was a joyous occasion. plussss it looks like an inhaler [/quote] I looked it up. Just might get that. Looks really cool. Either this or the mflb unless I get more suggestions.
[quote name='"PacComeBack"'] I looked it up. Just might get that. Looks really cool. Either this or the mflb unless I get more suggestions.[/quote] I think the other true portable that gives mad hits is pax by a company called ploom. Its a bit pricier but supposedly incredible. Stay away from butane Vapes.
[quote name='"StudStudly"'] I think the other true portable that gives mad hits is pax by a company called ploom. Its a bit pricier but supposedly incredible. Stay away from butane Vapes.[/quote] Thanks for the advice. I'll look up the pax vape. But the vapir no2 caught my attention. I think I just might get that
Look if u want to by a vape ask your self this... would u wanna spend all your cash and end up with a toy. I have a magic flight and the thing is it works well.... but were all stoners, the time effort and tecnique and just the concerntration needed is a bit much.. In all fairness i woulmdnt say get a portable my eq goes every where with me then again im a bit to old to be goin down the park haha If u got to get a portable try the solo never tried one but peeps say it hits like a eq and thts hard...
[quote name='"madg321"']Look if u want to by a vape ask your self this... would u wanna spend all your cash and end up with a toy. I have a magic flight and the thing is it works well.... but were all stoners, the time effort and tecnique and just the concerntration needed is a bit much.. In all fairness i woulmdnt say get a portable my eq goes every where with me then again im a bit to old to be goin down the park haha If u got to get a portable try the solo never tried one but peeps say it hits like a eq and thts hard...[/quote] Haha yeah I gotcha. I would prefer a nice bong. But I still live with my parents and I hope to move out in the next 6 months. But living on your own is pretty hard with a minimum wage job. So I need something stealthy. With little to no smell. And I won't be carrying it in my car. I always roll a joint/blunt for the rides. So should I get pulled over I can eat it. But for home, I need a minimum smell smoking/vaping device. Even tho I'm not big into them.
Compared to bong a vape is quieter and dont smell half as much.. but before u cancel out a desk top bare this in mind... When i smoke the eq im stoned, and i stay stoned. I spose wat im saying if u vape before u go out ur stay blazed... i never switch on the vape befroe 6pm as its just so effective... so if u wake and vape no portable is needed.. Dnt go taking a sandwhich with you... just eat before u leave u get me.... If ur going to ur boys take it with you if not take a joint. This is the best advice im not recomending the eq Im recomending a dest top... Stay stoned ... word
[quote name='"madg321"'] Compared to bong a vape is quieter and dont smell half as much.. but before u cancel out a desk top bare this in mind... When i smoke the eq im stoned, and i stay stoned. I spose wat im saying if u vape before u go out ur stay blazed... i never switch on the vape befroe 6pm as its just so effective... so if u wake and vape no portable is needed.. Dnt go taking a sandwhich with you... just eat before u leave u get me.... If ur going to ur boys take it with you if not take a joint. This is the best advice im not recomending the eq Im recomending a dest top... Stay stoned ... word[/quote] I would love a volcano vape. But my parents are old fashioned and single minded. Weed is addictive. I'm going to ruin my life. It will lead to heroine and what not. So this has to stay hidden until I'm on my feet and on my own. Hopefully in college.
Ill tell u about my vapes... Bought a fish bowl fuzion dvr-700 pugged it in filed it up turned it off threw away.... Researched mflb for bout month bout it used it loved it.. Researched a desk top for bout 4 months bought eq love it it eats the mflb shits it out jizzs on it then eats it again.. I spose wat im trying to say is you is a desktop is by far wat u need and tho portables are getting closer to being as good the best and worth owning are more expensive than the eq and less versitile... The eq is small enough to hide... just stash the glass elbow and the whip somwhere and it dnt smell a tall when off.. lil resin smell wen on and hot... towel by the door be ok... Get a desk top mate i beg u im now addicted to vapes i want to expand my collection... Try a log vape ur mum wont know what the fuck it is