Need some info on colloidal silver

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by fred25, Jan 15, 2024.

  1. I am going to give making my own femenized seeds a go and I am wondering what size bottle of colloidal silver and what should the PPM be?. I plan on trying this again so if I could buy it concentrated and mix my spray.
  2. here's the link to the best thread on the web, I used it years back and often update, DIY is the best fun

    VIP: My first colloidal silver generator

    You will need: a 9V power adapter that outputs DC, two alligator clips, a soldering iron + solder. (If you dont have soldering iron you can simply wrap the wire around the alligator clip base in a coil and that will suffice, but youll get better contact if you solder it).
    - Get a power adapter that has an output of 9V DC 600mA or thereabouts. Output must be DC, and 9V/600mA seems optimal from what I've read and been told
    - Cut the end off and discard
    - Split the main wire into its two smaller sub-wires (no need to pull them apart all the way though). Dont worry, we dont need to know which is positive/negative.
    - Use wire-cutters to remove the plastic shielding/insulation to expose the actual metal wires, about 1 inch is enough
    - Solder the wires onto alligator clips ($0.50ea from your local electronics store)

    If you dont have alligator clips Haps suggested a good alternative - drill a hole into each coin and coil the wire around that instead.

    good luck
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  3. the lower the voltage the finer the particles,

    wipe the silver every hour to prevent shit clogging up later or better just swap the terminals...

    so many hints abound!
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  4. Thanks for the info lots of good info in there but for the first time I'm going to go the route of purchasing the spray online.

    How many PPM should the colloidal silver be? I think I will also be spraying it with STS spray. From what I have read using both gives the best results. Is this correct?
  5. :confused_2: I've been using colloidal silver in saline nose spray for over a 20 yrs for chronic sinus infections, I've had none since starting with Ag, It's a known antimicrobial. As to using for cannabis???:confused_2: Nor have I turned blue & I am a big "all over tan" type in Fla.

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