Need some ideas!

Discussion in 'General' started by Mishkavich, May 23, 2009.

  1. Ok, so tomorrow I am on my way to Russia and I really want to blaze before because I hear trippin on planes is awesome (its a 30 hour flight on top of that >_<). So I have around a 3 hour bus ride from Wisconsin to Chicago, and then around an hour in the airport before I'm off.

    The options that I thought of...smoke A LOT before the entire thing but that means i'm around 4 hours in when I board the plane. or Smoke outside of the airport? or be stupid try to sneak stuff into the terminal. Not sure how succesful smoking on the bus would be, but I guess thats an option too.

    Something I'm not certain of is can drug dogs smell marijuana smoke, and if so can you get in trouble if say a dog started barking at you but you dont have anything on you...

    I hope I dont sound like a tard or anything, im blazin right now so I feel like I should figure it out with the help of my friends at GC :cool:
  2. id say bring some edibles and just like stuff your face with a brownie before you go inside the airport...
  3. oh yah! that was my other question haha, can dogs smell weed in edibles?
  4. I think they can but any airport ive been to dosent have dogs waiting outside so if u quickly ate it then you should be ok.
  5. make some pills or somethin
  6. Make firecrackers - they last a long time, 8 hours or so if they're strong. No clue if the dogs would find them, not sure what airport security would do either. I'm fairly sure that they can test pos for MJ but they can't figure out quantity so not sure of the charge or whatever


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