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Need some help with moving

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Johnson7, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. Okay so I currently live in Holland. This summer I am moving back to America. I bought a hookah a few weeks ago, intending to use it with sheesha but some friends and I smoked some weed with it after my bong broke. I am wondering if I could bring the hookah back if i get a new bowl for it. I moved here long before I started smoking weed so I also have no idea what its like there as far as bringing that in and stuff goes..

  2. Use a deep cleaning on it, put hot ass water in it and put some type of cleaning material in it, like bleach. Let it soak over night. Make sure its clean. Dump water rinse and then you can take it. Resin will get it tookin.
  3. Aight cheers dude. That was a quick reply :p thanks
  4. No problem dude. ( I know ;) Just helping out.. :p )
  5. Okay this is off topic but your account info thing is outdoor grower.... my house in the states has around 5 acres of woods and I think ive got some places that would work pretty well. So do you know of any guides or something for outdoor growing cos I can only find em for indoor.

  6. Yes I do. I will send you a message. Hold on.
  7. I know you like your toys but I'm sure it would be a nice present to give one of your friends to remember you by if you cant move it.
  8. Yeh I might do that but a friend gave it to me to remember him by lol.
  9. i'd suggest putting all the peices of with with any resin on it into like.. a plastic tub, or something, and filling it with isopropyl alchohol, and let it sit in there for a few hours, then give it a good scrubdown
  10. 1. Soak metal parts in iso overnight, rinse clean with HOT water.
    2. Soak bowl and base in iso overnight, rinse clean with HOT water. When you're rinsing, you really want to FLOOD the parts to make sure all residue in all nooks and crannies is carried away. All it takes for an issue to arise is a trace amount.
    3. You might want to repeat steps 1 and 2 if you're a little paranoid, I know I probably would ;).
    4. Get new hoses. There isn't any safe way that I know of to clean hoses, especially thoroughly enough to cross the border (it's too easy for residue to get trapped in the fibers or ridges of the hose; personally I wouldn't risk it). You could also travel a little lighter and wait until you're here to buy new ones.
    5. Give away the rest of your shisha; buy more when you arrive.

    Good luck man! :wave:

  11. This is also a great idea. Never done it that way with my hooka.
  12. Thanks! I don't own a hookah, but I used to help out at a hookah bar so I've got some experience with 'em. They're pretty cool.

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