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need some help please

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by vasa111, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. today my friend and i smoked some sour sour diesel now i don't know what it was but like 30 mins after smoking i started to feel out of breath like as if i just ran a marathon i wasent thirsty just breathing heavily? and my friend was talking bout " dude we ganna fucking die!, no dude im for real ima die!" i was wondering if any 1 had that befor or was the weed laced with something?????
  2. Nope waxsnt laced your just not use to good marijuana and you probably smoked to much. It honestly sounds like some virgin longs getting broke in. Your weed was not laced, especially from the experince you described. I wouldnt even be suprised if you got dizzy feeling light headed, heart beating out of your chest or even if you saw aliens.
  3. you are correct im a very new smoker and i thank you for the info. i been smokeing but only reggie on some occasions like partys and shit. but we shared a half a joint. and i was tripping, and my freind did see a ghost while i was calling some 1. but yeah if you want tell me about your beginner days?
  4. god wow, nobody is gonna lace your damn cannabis, opiates usually cost more than marijuana and why would sell you something more of value for lets say the same price you buy marijuana for?

    you just got some good chronic, your tolerance is low, and you just got a good form of high is all.
    happy smoking :smoking:
  5. Umm its been 13 years since I started smoking so I dont remember that well. I have a problem with stop signs when I was young and high. I have set at a stop sign for 20 minutes waiting for it to turn green. I have drove 25 miles per hour on the interstate baked. I smoked 2 blunts to the dome and got lost in the woods for 4 hours. I have meet a lot of people through weed when I was young. LOL when I was 18 i umm helped people fine green. I left my phone in a car for 4 hours while I was hanging out with this chic. When I went out to my car I had 69 miss calls from diff folks. My feet and lips go numb when I get fucked up. Till this day when I get stoned and my right and left foot are crossed I cant tell which is my right and which is my left without uncrossing my feet or looking down. I smoked with 50 cent when I was 20 ( when he was just getting famous) I have smoked with george clinton and the physcadelics. I have hung out with the band incuibus or however you spell it. I puffed with randy moss when I was umm 18. I smoke numerous times with a famous person who played woodstock and other huge bands ( I cant say the names bc hes famous) I use to get around a lot when I was young man. Now that Im in my late 20s I dont go out of the house.
  6. If you feel like you're breathing too hard sometimes it helps to try these techniques
    Hyperventilation-Home Treatment

    This often happens when you get very stoned for the first time, don't worry!:)

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