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need some explaining from co patients!

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by rideXnitro, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. I just moved to colorado from cali, and i gotta say the weed is comparable. but
    the thing is does the elevation effect the dryness of the weed? ive been able to find some
    sticky ones but for the most part its all pretty dry stuff.

    startin to think i cant judge the weed on stickiness out here.
  2. I'd say its where your going. . you just need to find a good mmj center
  3. hey man if you find a good center let me know! it sucks I dont have the cash to go through every dispensery just to find a decent one
  4. what city are you in? I know of some good ones in the front range area and a couple in the mountain towns

  5. Yea, im in fort collins. appreciate it
  6. I am wondering the same thing, as I am in Greeley. I also only seem to get very dry bud.. haha

    If you find a good one let me know!
  7. #7 Quanzy, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    Northern Colorado Natural Wellness (Drake and Shields in Fort Collins)

    Link to their meds page on their website: Medical Marijuana

    All the mmj centers in loveland are closing or have closed, and I am not sure about the quality of greeley's mmj centers so fort collins or windsor is probably your best bet. I have not been to the one in windsor called In Harmony Wellness but I have heard they have pretty good meds.

    Other ones in fort collins I have liked, but northern co natural wellness seems to always have the dank.

  8. awesome thanks, i live right off shields

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