Hi, Hows everyone doing?? - I recently started growing my 1st cannabis plant ever and im super excited! - I just had some quick questions.. My seed germinated, I planted the seed in a solo cup with soil and it grew within 3-5 days. As of now the first two spikey leaves grew on a nice stem. -My question is, I heard that once the first 2 leaves start to grow, that I should begin using fertizlier. Since I am a rookie at this and it's my 1st plant, I need some advice. -What type of fertizlier should I use and how should I use it. I have no clue on what to do next. I have the plant under light for 24 hours at a time right now and seems to be growing just fine. Please can someone fill me in on what I should be doing now since my first 2 leaves have grown...
You don't want to start using ferts till like 2 to 3 weeks. And then you want to start at 1/4 recommend strength. You'll just mix it in with your plain old water your going to feed them, and you can foliar feed every now and then if you want. For vegging you want something high in nitrogen and for flowering you want more phosphorus and potassium, and less nitrogen. It will say on it something like 10-4-5, or some random numbers. That corresponds to nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in that order or for short N-P-K. Remember when using nutes you want to flush every 2 weeks or a salt build up can occur and lock out certain nutes.
Oh yea congratz on your first sprout dude Good luck on your grow bro, if you need any help feel free to ask.
thanks bro, How do i go about feeding tho? Do i just mix it up with water and put it in a spray bottle or something? What fertilizer do you recommend. Sorry for the questions, Im just new to the whole thing.
in the mean time just keep feeding it water and watch it grow. And in the next couple week you should start looking for nutes to use.....shouldn't feed nutes til the small round leaves fall off.. too many to choose from, but the common ones are Advanced Nutrients, Dutch Master, General Hydroponics.......personally i use advanced.
Omg how dare you ask questions here lol jk Im always happy to help my fellow GC mates. Just mix it in with your water your going to give them right before you give it to them. Just start at diluted amounts at every other feeding, thats a good way to start a new plant out on nutes, but start once they get a bit older. You can foliar feed if you want, but you shouldn't do it a lot or else the roots will think they have to stop growing and thats a no go. Me and a lot of people recommend fox farms the whole nine yards, soil and nutes. If you get fox farms nutes get the grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom. You can follow their feeding plan, just make sure to start at diluted amounts and slowly work up, flushing every 2 weeks. Not flushing when using nutes can lead to a salt build up which will lock out nutes. If you see signs of nute burn stop feeding and use ph adjusted h20. Reason I bolded diluted is fox farms liquid is strong, I started at 3/4 strength after a week of no nutes and before that only 1/4 nutes, it completly killed my plant. Im not trying to scare you or anything, I just don't wanna see u rambo em you know lol.
Well I know I left out all the others that you mentioned Mr.Tangent lol. Point being, walk into any hydro store and you'll have a wall of bunches of different brands of nutes staring you down lol. All most all of them in a hydro store are good quality, unlike walmart or such places. If your confused just ask someone who works there for a good brand, most hydro store employes are very helpful as long as you don't mention MJ lol.