need some creative minds in here

Discussion in 'General' started by highinhouston, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. aight so heres the deal. im in a rented house in colorado atm. and the owners have 2 bottles of lean (codeine w/ prometh) . i almost never get to come across this and i live in texas for fucks sake, so im gonna take 2 oz to enjoy myself with.

    quick side note-stealing from people is one of the lowest things in my opinion. however i dont think stealing 2 oz of cough syrup would affect these people at all due to the fat that there second UNUSED bottle is from january of this year, and still not even touched. i wouldnt ever steal money, or personal possessions from soomone but i think that 2 oz of medicine is a pretty petty thing and i doubt they will be checking it when they return. im suree they will be concerned with all there exotic shit they own(tons of stuff from south america, some ivory things, some native american stuff) which i would never steal. by the time they realize its down if i decide to be a dumbass and not replace it it will have been awhile and the situation will be too complicated to be able to implicate someone 100% over, im hoping.

    dilemma-how can i replace the liquid lost in the medicine bottle? i need something that will mix back in with the same consistency.

    again, plz dont think im a bad person for this, i am really against stealing from people(dont care if u jack shit from walmart) and i wouldnt ever steal any persons essential medication but fuck it. this is an oppourtunity i want to take, and was wondering if anyone would help me out here

    cliff notes-
    need something to fill back up a bottle of codein w/prometh. atm im thinking of just putting in water lol.

    i wan my purple drank
  2. get some similar colored cough syrup,

    or just put some money in each bottle and be like,

    "sorry, got thirsty."
  3. yeh, problem is this is like family week bs and my parents got the rental car, so the only time i get to get into the cabinet is when they're out dining/shopping or whatever. im not able to make a trip to the drugstore or else this thread wouldnt have even been made.

    and LOL at your second idea. hahah shit made me laugh irl
  4. I wouldn't take it if it were me, but If you're going to take it, I don't know if I'd replace it with anything... That way you don't mess up their future dosage and whatnot when they take some.
  5. thats a good point. id rather not affect someone else's situation due to me being a greedy ho n wanting to get fucked up. hence the reason i was thinking of just throwing water in there but at the same time there may be consistency issues and when they actually need it may not have the desired effect. dont wanna fuck with the potency but at the same time thats what this thread is about i guess

    man if only i could drive my ass to the drugstore n get some purple robo or someshit. that way when they took it for a cough it would still be cough medicine and everyone would be a winner :D

    i thought about maybe melting a purple popsicle n putting it in there but i figure thatd make it too sweet

    ahhh dilemma. maybe i wont do it afterall, im trying to imagine what would happen if they somehow did find out n call my parents about it(they payed for the rental) im sure the blame would be dropped on me.
  6. yeah my first thought had to be more cough syrup....
  7. deed is done, water mixes flawlessly with it and doesnt seperate. i tested befdorehand. im sooo shill right now i cant even explain. this is the only time i will ever steal from a person, which is a dispicable act. karma will prolly get me back. but fukit ehhh im leaniinnn :D
    i like my sprite easter pink ahhhhhhhh ahha yeee
  8. Put in some cough syrup, extra strength, they will never know....until they drink it.
  9. I will laugh if these people have a grasscity account.
  10. lol theyre like 60 or someshit haha fuckit by the time they're done with thier other bottle ill be long gone
  11. Ya...They are like *old voice* "we should lean tonight, because we are old" *old voice* I am laughing my ass off. It has been a week since I smoked, and finally my t-break is over...
  12. ^lmao dude whaaat that shit made me lol IRL

    "because were old" lololol

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