Hey guys its been a while. Man i love you guys i always get help when i need it. ...No i am not high just kind of happy to be back. So heres the didlyo, I have been with my boyfriend for two years now, and since before that when we were friends he knew i wanted to get a tattoo as a tribute for my father who passed away four years ago and at the time he thought it was cool. The tattoo is the Virgin Mary on my left forearm almost identical to the one my father had except mine will be in color. Now I'm a Catholic and he is a Jehovah's Witness even though he isn't really active in it at all, though his mom is. Anyway so now that we've been together all this time he doesn't want me to get the tattoo at all! He says it will be ugly and i should get something else or at least put it somewhere else... i guess where nobody can see. This defeats the whole purpose to me because i want it to be an almost exact replica to the one my dad had because of how close we were and all. I don't know what to do really, i mean i really want the tattoo, but i want him to be supportive and go with me when i get it but i just don't think he will and if i do get it, well i asked him once if he would not love me anymore if i got it and he said he would just look at me different and maybe love me a little less. I've been considering putting it on my back having the top be between my shoulder blades but it kind of kills me a little when i think about it because i feel like i will be acting as if I'm ashamed of it and I'm not. Everyone keeps saying that it's a bad idea cause its such a guy thing to do but i have never been really girly to begin with and it just makes me sad that i only really have one guy supporting me, which is my ex lol oddly enough. So if you could all give me some advice i would really appreciate it.Also I'm not sure how this pole thing works but if its yes and no then just fill in to what you think. Oh ya and below is what it will look like if not exactly maybe a little more vibrant in color, remember left forearm. k thanks!
do what you gotta do. its not just a tattoo for the fuck of it...it represents something and means a lot to you...so fuck what he says
It's your body you can do whatever the hell you want to do with it. But I would put it somewhere other than your forearm... maybe your left ankle/calf thing. Because if you ever go in for an interview or anything you'll have to wear long sleeves and shit. I just think it'd look better on a girl if it was on her leg rather than her forearm. But do whatever your heart compels you to do.
i dont like the idea much. that kind of tat on a girls forarm to me isint very attractive. that being said i think you should definatly get it. your getting the tattoo for you and your father not your bf of anyone else. its your skin and if you want it there then i say do it. about the "i may love you less" thing, thats fuckin bogus. my jaw hit the floor from that. love is unconditional. in my eyes thats was way outta line. if he really loves you he would still love you inked or not. p.s. im gettin tatted tomorrow:-D cant wait!!!
Meet him in the middle, Get it somewhere else? Im sure he is considering his parents reaction? Meaning he is considering your long term future together. If you can see yourself with him in 25 years still being happy, Then im sure your father will want you to be happy more than have a tatoo on your arm. Sorry no vote as im split ^^
ya i'v thought of that too but it just bugs me because litterally since that week he passed i had made a commitment to get it just like his. When i was little i used to trace the lines of his tattoo along his arm because i liked it so much. It was really an awesome tattoo... also even when i bring up tattoos or the subject of that one in particular he gets cranky and stoic even if he was happy go lucky two second before.
He's right, in 10 years when you go into an interview there gonna be like wtf.... not knowing what it means.
I don't think the tattoo is flattering, but never let anybody's opinion get in the way of getting an important tattoo, especially one in memory of your father.
Personally I think tattoos are unattractive, most of them at least. however this isn't just a tattoo for the hell of it, if it's really important to you then talk to him and tell him how bad you really want it. at the end of the day, it's your body. how much do you like this guy anyway?
if your boyfriend truely loves you then he should be able to stick by you no matter what you do. and if a tattoo makes him break up with you he didnt really love you. just my oppion tho.
I just want to add... I think (I don't know him but still) that one of the big reasons he doesn't want you to get one is because he's a Jehovah's witness.. Just my experience those people are fucking insane....
no its true weebie, for sure its that otherwise he would give a shit but he really cares because he doesnt want me to embarress him with his family. im afraid if i try to talk to his mom about it first without telling him he will be pissed and then if i ask him he just says no not to talk to her about it so i don't have many choices really. geez we only go to their "assemblys" like twice a year if that and i always end up wearing a jacket anyway. i don't know.