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Need some advice

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Smokinmeds, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. So I live with my mom and she doesn't want me smoking weed, well couple weeks ago she found a gram or so of my shit, so I figured I need better hiding spots, which I got. So I bought an eighth and had it hidden really well, it lasted me about 4days, I had about a gram left, and well I was at work, she searched my room, somehow managed to find it(I have no idea how) and replaced it with almost the exact weight, in oregano. Well I'm not an Idiot so I knew instantly it was oregano. But basically I'm extremely angry since I payed for this with my money, and went thou a bunch of shit to get it. So I just wanted to know what u all suggest? Should I just talk to her? Get revenge(I know that's probably not the answer)? Or something completely different? Any thoughts?
  2. #2 smokeygenie, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    backhand that bitch and smoke a j right in her face

    comments like this are unnecessary /pawlywog
  3. unscrew a cover for a power outlet in your room, put weed in the little space, screw cover back on...if your mom finds it still then i don't know what to say
  4. I laughed at her replacing it with oregano. At least she didn't kick you out of the house or ground you or anything. I suggest getting one of those vacuum seal containers (the one I have is roughly twice the size of a pill bottle and holds an 1/8th perfectly). From there, I say you should put it in a coat pocket and hang your coat in the back part of your closet.
  5. Replace all of her flour,sugar, Etc. with cocaine and angel dust.
  6. Talk with her and explain why it is that you use marijuana, what it does for you, and why she should respect that. And if that doesn't work, yeah, just find a better hiding spot.
  7. i laughed my ass off good shit bro
  8. Honestly bro, theres a point where its just easier to find your own place than deal with that shit, if its at all possible I suggest it. But until that point, pull the fabric bottom from your boxspring off one of the staples, theres a ledge inside made of pine ,just sit your stash in a tin there, shell never find it if its on the side that faces the wall.
  9. Id suggest moving out bra.

  10. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! dude that's funny shit I can see it now "want some salt for ur food?" "oh shit man Im freaking out!!"

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