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need some advice...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by king8128, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. i need to give a one minute long speech about anything(as long as its "appropriate")

    any ideas?
  2. ummmm talk about the importance of drinking milk
  3. the reason george w bush was the worst president in history
  4. Why all women should be able to make some mean sammiches.
  5. #6 k_semler, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010
    You're kidding right? Dude, I could compose a 1 minute speech about damn near anything. How about this?

    No lunar missions have explored the dark side of the moon, so we really don't know what's there. However, humanity could make use of the dark side of the moon. Since that side of the moon does not get any radio interference from the earth, this makes it a perfect platform to station a radio telescope to monitor the galaxy for new quasars, and/or signs of extra-terrestrial intelligence. We already have the computational ability to analyze these signals. Have you ever heard of SETI@Home? Millions of people from around the world run it every day on their home machines. (I actually have 3 machines dedicated to it, and my primary desktop runs it when I'm not activly using it).

    An ideal candidate to monitor for signals is Gliese 581D. It is the nearest planet, (only 20.4 light years away), that is within the habitable zone of it's star. There is a good chance that this planet not only contains liquid water, but also life forms. Perhaps, even intelligent life forms. So far, this planet, (Gliese 581D), is the best candidate we currently have that may support life. It would be a great dis-service to humanity to ignore the greatest potential scientific discovery that would forever change our knowledge of the universe.

    There you go. Speech written.

    EDIT: You're talking to a guy who managed to write a 48m speech for English class during my Junior year. (I could have gone on longer, but the period ended). (it took 8 pages).

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