Need some advice

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by doyoulikegreen, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. #1 doyoulikegreen, Aug 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2012
    Okay I'm a rambler, but I'll try to get to it.

    I'm married , not yet 30 with 2 kids under 2. I am disabled and stay at home with our kids I live hundreds of km from my family and I miss them terribly. I see them about once very 3 months.

    I just feel so restricted in my life and I never took the chances when I was younger to party and live it up and have fun. I don't feel the love and admiration I once did and I've come to realize we are very different people. I prefer someone that is similar to me instead of opposite. Due to circumstances, I was basically deadlined into marriage, and though I wanted to live together first, she said to keep her parents happy that that was not an option.

    So anyways I agreed foolishly and now I need to get out before I'm old and grey. I feel misery, stress and anxiety when I'm around her.

    I love our kids and I wanna visit them very couple of weeks or whatever. I've heard it's best to leave early while the kids are young, as they can sense unhappiness in their parents and they are better off not dealing with that too. I'm not a good liar and and i can't hide how I feel. It's glaringly obvious I'm not happy. I want to be a part of their lives as much as possible.

    So yeah. Thought of getting counseling but I'm not really interested in fixing my relationship. I just don't see her in my future. I'm a totally different person when im away from her. I just feel more free and able to be myself.

    I'm tired of being here. I want to be by myself, and thought of moving back with my parents, which is fine by them. We are very close, and I have 2 brothers. All of us smoke except one bro.

    Thanks for listening.
  2. I think you already know what you want to do. If you're still unsure, flip a coin. When it's in the air you'll know which one you'd prefer.

    Take it easy and good luck.
  3. Lemme guess you were forced to marry her cause you got her pregnat?
    You should have never married her in the first place even if she was pregnat, who cares what her stupid parents think.
    I dunno what to tell ya brah, if you got kids then its gonna be hard on them if you divorce.
  4. Are you actually disabled? Or just on disability...

    Really hope that doesn't come off as a really dickish statement...
  5. It does LMAO
  6. Yeah it does. Haha.

    Yes I am actually disabled, I have Cerebral Palsy. And no I didn't get married due to pregnancy. I got married thinking I knew what I wanted, but eventually I realized that I made a huge mistake because I dont know what I want even now.

    I have been dealing with depression for a long time, but recently I spent a week alone with my parents. I noticed that I felt so incredible and happy and calm. I didn't feel depressed at all. That's a huge change for someone dealing with it day in and day out.

    This is just such a frustrating feeling. Because most other things I can't complain about, own a cheap little house, got a car and a wife that doesn't mind me growing (med user).

    But at the same time I wanna give it all up for that freedom. Arg.

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