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Need some advice with a hotbox dilemma

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bcbro, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. Hey guys, I just made my account and I'm new here, but definitely not new to smoking (Live in vanBC). Anyways,  I need some advice. On nights with nothing to do, i hotbox my small outdoor sauna. Problem is, I've lost my pipe and I'm my car doesnt work. So for the time being, i have no papers or pipe or nothing. So my question is this: should i use An apple pipe or a can pipe? which is better in terms of effects on your lungs? Thanks homies

  2. #2 Delightfully High, Oct 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2014
    Hmmmmm which is better to inhale burnt fruit or tin? Come on man you should know the answer to that one.
  3. Back in the day, we would take an empty paper towel or toilet roll, cut a small hole (the size of a nickle or quarter) just near one end, put a piece of puntured aluminum foil down into the tube making a bowl and there ya go...
  4. as for your lungs...neither is going to make a twits worth of difference...the burning plant material is 100 times more toxic (and thats not even bad) than any residu or imagined metal fume you might inhale. Have a go...wont kill ya..unless ya burn it near a gas leak.
  5. if it were me I'd go for the apple pipe, just because in almost every thread like this several people wind up pointing out that smoking aluminium is pretty bad for you - something about causing alzheimer's? I doubt it's as bad as it's made out to be tho
    why not bottle bong?

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