Need some advice! Please and thank you.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by rross, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. So this new girl started working in my department about 2 weeks ago. She's really cute and we joke around at work and get along great. She does have a boyfriend though. Last Friday she randomly asked myself and another guy coworker what do with her boyfriend cause someone else is available now, and like how she should deal with it (along those lines).

    We exchanged numbers that day, and started texting later that night. She was saying how we should chill and smoke. She also slipped a random picture in there saying for my eyes only. Also saying I was cute during the whole convo.

    I'm not sure what to do though. She has mentioned her bf around me quite a few times and saying the type of stuff he doesn't do for her. My coworker thinks she does like me and is tempted but she's battling in her head. Especially with her asking us the question about what she should do and stuff.

    I'm just not sure what to do, should I chill with her when the opportunity rises? Sorry for the long read lol.
  2. I'd go for it.. what's the worst that could happen? You might not get anywhere with her, but you might come out of it with a new chill woman friend!
  3. Chill with her, smoke with her, flirt with her, but if I were you I wouldn't cross the line while she has a boyfriend. It sucks when she seems like she's giving strong signals, but no one wants to be that guy, especially when you're gonna be seeing her at work. If she makes a move before she's single, I'd say it's up to you. But if she's cool now she'll be cooler when she's single.
  4. this sounds like it has a high potential for drama but...yeah go for it and please her with a nice helping of the D
  5. fantasies...imo roll play it up. . how big is her other fuckbuddy?
  6. Thanks guys, i'll see how it plays out. I have a feeling she's wanting to break up with her bf by the way she talks. Hopefully we'll chill soon and see what happens.
  7. Just something I've noticed a few times, but usually women that will break up with their boyfriends easily will do the same thing again, so while I'd say keep it in mind it is entirely situational
  8. i love affairs.
    idk why i get horny just thinking about fucking a girl with a boyfriend or getting a girlfriend so i can fuck other girls.
    go for it.
  9. Just keep in mind that she does indeed have a boyfriend. But i would deffently hang with her. Who knows you guys might have alot in common. The conversations that arise while in the middle of a smoke session. Also keep in mind she might be with this guy because she is afriad of hurting his feeling and just doesn't know how to go about breaking the news with him. Good luck lad!
  10. Keep in mind if she cheats on her boyfriend she sure as hell will cheat on you. Rail and bail if you gotta :smoke:
  11. It seems like she is looking for an excuse to leave her bf. He may be perfect and she is just bored but doesn't have the balls to do it herself. She wants you to make all the moves so she feels less guilty about cheating on him.
  12. no the worst that can happen is her bf finds out & kicks the shit out of you!
    if you can hold your own in a fight then go for it, its not your problem if her relationship isnt working
  13. Thanks for all the replies, I see there are a few ways to go about.

    Yeah this seems about right. I think she's going to break up with her bf sometime in the near future, as she sees there are options out there that may be better off for her.

  14. Chill with her, smoke with her, fuck her if you can. If she's not happy with her boyfriend, that's his problem.
  15. fuck her and cum on her nipples and tell her to let the cum dry than go tell her boyfriend to suck her nipples. only logical answer
  16. Fair enough.
  17. Hahaahaa
  18. Small update. Haven't chilled with her yet but she's been poking/pinching me and that kinda stuff at work constantly. Coworker who is also my dealer talked to her earlier tonight after work and she way saying we'd be dating right now if she didn't have a bf and isn't sure what to do. Should be interesting.

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