Need Legal Advice

Discussion in 'General' started by Hildelt, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. I was driving and i got pulled over by a cop (broken headlight) and he asked for the usual. He then asked if he could search my truck and i (stupidly) said yes and he preceded to search it. He then found a plastic box with a roach paper inside of it, no weed. He then proceeded to say "Op, I found some" and then asserted it was a roach. I said it wasn't but then he preceded to search through my truck more. Finding nothing else he frisked me and found a packet of marijuana in my front pocket and made me take it out. He made me take a sobriety test which i passed easily. Then he then gave me a ticket for possession and a broken headlight and sent me on my way. Is there anything wrong with the steps the officer took in my charge? I live in Michigan.
  2. cops prolly smoking it right now

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