Need imput on these two bloom ferts

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by AnonymousBuds2.0, Dec 14, 2023.

  1. So im looking at Roots terp tea or Roots budda bloom, ive never used the brand.

    On has a lower NPK (bloom) and the other higher N (terp) right now im leaning twards the bloom as its easier to jist drop a TBS into a gallon of water and go and im hellbent on time right now due to work. If i get 10-15 minutes with it a day im lucky.
  2. Go with terp tea as the 3-7-4 NPK ration is better suited to sustain growth if that is the only amendment being used. I use GH maxi-bloom start to finish, myself. That's 5-15-14, good results and it's cheap.
  3. You dont need much nitrogen in flower so go with lower N.

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