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need help...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by pyroc5, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. well im kinda in a bad rents hate the idea of pretty much everthing drugs like even caffeine and my girlfreind isnt as bad and just hates weed but shes coming around but anyways to the going on a trip in like a week to mexico so how the hell am i supposed to get baked??? cuz theres no way in hell im going to shove a bag up my ass to get it through the airport and i dont know anyone where im going so how the hell am i supposed to do this without my rents their freinds(who are coming too) and my girlfreind finding out from my little brother who rats on me anychance he gets...
  2. You could bake something
  3. If you get the chance to walk around on your own, it shouldn't be too hard to find marijuana down there.
  4. #5 pyroc5, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    maybe but were going to a resort mayan riviera i think? and other than that were not going anywere else...but that might work...and ya edibles might work cuz thats what ive been doing when im around my girl but either way i still have to bake them and my mom like never leaves the house and usually i get my freind to make them and give them to me but he move 2 days ago so thats why im posting this...
  5. Its a touristy place, in Mexico. Yes, Im sure there will be weed being hawked. Better yet, you could just take a break, a vacation from even weed, its not a bad option man.
  6. i maybe smoke like once or twice a week but when i do i get REALLY ripped sooo ya i dont really need a vacation from weed....

  7. Even if you only smoke once or twice a week, I agree with the above. Take a t-break and spare yourself the stress of trying to hide bud/edibles in your luggage and stuff. Another plus is that since you aren't spending money on weed for the vacation, you can get more once you get back :smoking:

    Have fun, dude, Mexico is pretty rad.
  8. well my tolerance is pretty high...meh we'll see what happens but saving money wise i make my freind pipes and shit and i get my weed money from that soo moneys not a problem but sounds cool
  9. i checked there but i cant find where im going :S
  10. Well first off in your other post you are going to get banned but just to help you out make edibles firecrackers preferably.
  11. It's Mexico!
    Finding weed will be easy as he'll.
    Go out on your own, take a map+phone in case you get lost or something. And don't get ripped off or robbed.
    Just say your going to yhestore, or for a sal or something, and just ask around.
    I went somewhere in Cali and didn't know a single person out there, I was with my mom(I went shopping with her) and said that I wanted to look around and explore a bit. Within 20 minutes I had gotten a dank slice!
    Trust me it's not hard, just be careful.
  12. mota is weed in slang spanish

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